
Jack Cafferty: Pelosi 'Beyond Sleazy' For Endorsing Slaughter Solution

On Tuesday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty returned to targeting Nancy Pelosi, this time for endorsing the controversial "Slaughter Solution" to passing ObamaCare through the House of ...

Matthews: Unlike MSNBC and CNN 'There's Absolutely No Debate' on Fox News

Last night it was the Republican Party that was caught in the crosshairs of Chris Matthews, which he accused of being too "narrow." Well on Tuesday's Hardball, the MSNBC host turned his sights on ...

David Barstow's NYT Hit Piece on Tea Party Wins Left-Wing Journalism Award

New York Times investigative reporter David Barstow's paranoid February 16 front-page piece on an Idaho chapter of the Tea Party movement won a left-wing foundation's monthly journalism award.

MSNBC's David Shuster Hits 'Far Right' Protesters Who Are 'Going Nuts' on Capitol Hill

MSNBC host David Shuster on Tuesday demonstrated his condescension for conservative tea party activists, deriding protesters who had arrived in Washington as "far right" and "going nuts." Talking ...

Prime Time CBS Drama to Target Health Insurance Company

Perfectly timed for the week President Barack Obama is pushing the House to vote on ObamaCare, on tonight's (Tuesday) episode of CBS's The Good Wife, set at a Chicago law firm, the lawyers "battle ...

NBC's Williams Trumpets New 'Catch Phrase' from Obama: 'We Need Courage!'

While ABC and CBS on Monday night focused on President Obama's "final push" for health care and the plight of Natoma Canfield, Obama's poster woman for victims of rising health insurance premiums, ...

Matthews Casts GOP as 'Narrow, Little, Nasty Don't Do Anything Party'

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, decried the GOP for obstructing Obamacare as he scolded the Republican Party as "nasty" and "narrow in it's appeal" and strangely accused it of no longer ...

ABC's Jake Tapper Touts White House's Official Victim of Health Care

Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Monday interviewed a woman selected by the White House to represent victims of the health care industry. Tapper emphasized the sad case of Natoma Canfield, a ...

CBS's Bob Schieffer: White House May Have to Waterboard Dems to Pass Health Care

The White House may have to waterboard its congressional allies to compel enough Democrats to support the health care bill and Congress will definitely have to raise taxes if the bill passes, ...

NBC Reporter's Idea of Balance: Dem Voices Outnumber GOP 4 to 1

NBC's Savannah Guthrie gave little time to the GOP view on health care, on Monday's Today, as the reporter offered only one soundbite to a Republican compared to four Democrats in favor of the ...
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