
'Almost Everyone Will Benefit from New Regulations,' Claims NYT Front-Page News Story on ObamaCare

Pro-Obama-care opinionizing on the front page of the New York Times from reporter Tara Siegel Bernard: "But there is no question that the legislation should benefit consumers in various ways."

CNN's American Morning Leans Toward Supporters of ObamaCare

Monday's American Morning on CNN slanted toward guests who supported ObamaCare versus opponents, by a margin of six to two. The program also devoted three segments specifically to interviewing ...

CBS 'Early Show' Touts 'Historic Victory' of ObamaCare

At the top of Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith proclaimed the passage of ObamaCare: "A major victory for President Obama as House Democrats work late into the night to pass health care ...

ABC Gushes Over Patrick Kennedy and Ted's Fight for Health Care: 'Dad's Final Wish' Came True

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Monday allowed the Kennedys to take a victory lap for the passage of health care. As the co-host interviewed Patrick Kennedy, an ABC graphic announced, ...

Vieira Repeats Democratic Line of the Day: 'Historic Legislation'

NBC's Meredith Vieira opened Monday's Today show declaring, "Good morning. It passed. Congress approves historic legislation to reform health care" and then a few seconds later noted, "Democrats ...

ABC's Sawyer: 'Protesters Roaming' DC, 'Increasingly Emotional, Yelling Slurs and Epithets'

As if anti-ObamaCare protesters are unruly street gangs, ABC's Diane Sawyer, anchoring Sunday's World News on what she touted as "a night for the history books," impugned the opponents as a bunch ...

Hume Predicts Health Bill Win Will Prompt 'Wave of Gushing Coverage' for Obama

Not exactly going out on a limb, but Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume predicted President Barack Obama's success in getting his health bill passed and signed will lead to "a wave of ...

CBS: 'Mean from the Start' Health Debate 'Turned Even Nastier Yesterday' with 'Racial Epithets' and 'Sexual Slurs'

Bob Schieffer began Sunday's Face the Nation with how the health care reform debate "that's been rancorous and mean from the start turned even nastier yesterday" with protesters "shouting 'kill ...

ABC: Anti-ObamaCare Protest 'Turned Very Ugly' with 'Racial and Homophobic Slurs'

Though "thousands" of anti-ObamaCare protesters gathered outside the Capitol on Saturday, ABC decided to smear the entire cause by stressing the despicable actions of a handful as anchor David ...

DC Journalists Get Together Naked to Sweat After Watching Wolf Blitzer

"He believes networking in the nude to be an absolute moral good." Talk about the incestuous relationship amongst sources, policy-makers and the Washington press corps, a Washington Post story, "A ...
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