
CBS's Rodriguez: Dems 'Rescued' ObamaCare From 'Death's Door'

Introducing a report on passage of the ObamaCare reconciliation bill on Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez referred to a couple upcoming rescue stories on the show and cheerfully ...

ABC's David Wright Warns: Sarah Palin's 'Tactics' 'May Backfire,' Skips Attack on Republican's Office

Good Morning America's David Wright on Friday ominously warned that Sarah Palin's "tactics," which include encouraging conservatives to politically "reload" and putting cross-hairs over Democrats ...

Nets Not So Excited About Violence and Threats Aimed at ObamaCare Opponents

An evening after all three broadcast network newscasts led by advancing the Democratic narrative of violent ObamaCare critics, a storyline intended to discredit conservatives as all gratuitously ...

GMA Highlights Threats Against Bart Stupak, Ignored 'Living Hell' Congressman Suffered Before Vote

Good Morning America's Pierre Thomas on Thursday played up the threats and intimidation that Bart Stupak has suffered since he voted for the health care bill. However, last week, the same program ...

CNN Condemns Threats Against Pro-ObamaCare Reps, 'Death of a President' OK

On Thursday's American Morning, CNN's John Roberts repeatedly decried the "troubling language" against pro-ObamaCare congressman which "violate any sense of common decency." But his own program ...

CBS: Health Care Debate 'Gets Ugly,' GOP Using 'Violent Rhetoric and Imagery'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "The health care debate gets ugly as Democrats who voted for reform report violence and death threats." In a report ...

Thomas and Beckel Bring 'Common Ground' to Undermining Demonization of Fox News

In the Thursday edition of their every other week "Common Ground" discussion for USA Today, Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel took up the liberal charge the Fox News Channel is out of bounds. Neither ...

NYT's Hulse Passes Along Dems Points on Violent, Racist Protests, Even Cites Palin Facebook Page

New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse plays along with the Democrat exploitation of a few extremist protesters for political gain. Where was the Times when GOP campaign offices were ...

ABC Frets That 'Angry Talk' From Sarah Palin, Boehner 'Could Push a Deranged Person Over the Edge'

Good Morning America on Thursday worried about the possible violence Sarah Palin's Twitter page could cause to Democrats who voted for the health care bill. Guest host Bill Weir interviewed Barney ...

NBC's Curry Hectors McCain to Condemn Palin's 'Incendiary Language'

Picking up the Democratic line that her MSNBC colleagues started repeating yesterday, NBC's Ann Curry, on Thursday's Today show, continually harangued Senator John McCain about Republican ...
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