
NBC's Williams Showcases 'Gripping' Kennedy Screaming Against Media from the Left

Wednesday's NBC Nightly News made time to showcase an unhinged liberal Democrat, Representative Patrick Kennedy, screaming against the media during House floor remarks in favor of a Dennis ...

MSNBC's Shuster Remembers Left-Wing Activist 'Granny D' As 'An American Treasure'

In his "Notebook" segment at the end of the 3PM ET hour on MSNBC Wednesday, anchor David Shuster took a moment to commemorate the passing of a "hero" of his, well-known liberal advocate Doris ...

NY Times: Double Standards on 'Demonizing' Justice Dept. Lawyers

The Times stands up for Obama administration lawyers who had previously defended Al Qaeda detainees at Guantanamo, fiercely attacking a conservative group for making their service an issue. Yet ...

MSNBC Grilled Conservative Teen, Tosses Softballs to Child Promoting ObamaCare

On Tuesday's edition of MSNBC News Live, host David Shuster tossed softballs to an 11-year-old supporter of Obamacare. However, back in 2009, reporter Norah O'Donnell grilled a conservative teen ...

Dan Rather Apologizes for 'Watermelons' Comment

HDNet's Dan Rather, in a piece for the Huffington Post, apologized for his use of the word "watermelons" during a segment about Barack Obama's ability to pass health care, that was aired on the ...

ABC and CBS Pass Along Sympathetic Anecdotes from Left-Wing Anti-Insurance Protest

ABC and CBS on Tuesday night picked up on the cause of a small anti-health insurance industry protest in DC organized by left-wing labor groups, but instead of denigrating them as the networks did ...

CBS Touts Soda Tax As 'Good for Waistline and Bottom Line'

Concluding a report on proposed soda taxes across the country on Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller gleefully proclaimed how such a tax would help fight obesity and fill ...

David Shuster Defends His Attack on GOP for Using Phrase 'Harlem Democrat,' Silent on Luke Russert Doing Same Thing

MSNBC Host David Shuster on Tuesday continued to attack the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) for the organization's reference to Charlie Rangel as a "Harlem Democrat." He ...

E! Talk Show Host Chelsea Handler Calls Sarah Palin 'Really Stupid'

Late night talk show host and author Chelsea Handler was invited on Tuesday's Today show to plug her new book Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang and couldn't leave the show without taking a dig at earlier ...

NBC's Curry Prompts Ventura to Claim Bush Admin Knew About 9/11

NBC's Ann Curry invited former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura to promote his new book of conspiracy theories, on Tuesday's Today show, and pressed the former professional wrestler to throw out ...
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