
Representation Without Taxation: Little Media Notice for How Nearly Half Pay No Income Tax

An AP dispatch, "Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax," has drawn little attention on television news beyond a morning segment on CNN and some commentary on FNC where Neil Cavuto ...

ABC's Moran Frets Obama May Not Be Able to Replace Stevens with Equally Liberal Justice

ABC's Terry Moran worried if Obama can "even hold" the liberal ground espoused by Justice Stevens given "today's bitter political climate." He fretted Friday night: "Could a nominee with positions ...

CNN's Toobin: Obama Not A 'Liberal Firebrand;' Heller Decision 'Activist'

On Friday's Newsroom, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin again used slanted labeling about the Supreme Court, shortly after Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement. Toobin stated that President ...

NBC's Williams: 'Liberal Lion' Justice Stevens 'One of the Great Quality Minds' on Supreme Court

Appearing in the 11AM ET hour on MSNBC Friday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gushed over the legacy of retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens: "He was famously called a ...

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell Plays Race Card on Gingrich, Colleagues Laugh At Her

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell on Friday went too far for even her colleagues at the liberal cable channel, receiving mockery for claiming Newt Gingrich made racially charged remarks about Barack Obama ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Prompts Obama to Tout His Legacy

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Friday interviewed Barack Obama from Russia and prompted the President to tout his legacy. The former Democratic operative also pressed Obama to ...

Her ObamaCare Mission Achieved, ABC/CBS Veteran Linda Douglass Departs White House

Linda Douglass, the former ABC News and CBS News Washington correspondent who signed aboard the Obama campaign in May of 2008, is resigning next week from her post as Communications Director for ...

Chris Matthews: Would Lincoln Be A Republican Today?

At the end of a show that included Chris Matthews inviting on Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen to compare the Tea Party to the KKK, the Hardball host finished Thursday with a rant questioning if ...

Network Morning Shows Trumpet 'Historic,' 'Landmark' Nuke Treaty, Only ABC Allows for 'Controversy'

The network morning shows on Thursday trumpeted Barack Obama's nuclear weapons treaty with Russia as "historic," with only Good Morning America allowing that the reduction plan could be ...

Chris Rock: ObamaCare Opponents Like Those in '60s with 'I Hate Martin Luther King' Hats

Commenting on the new health care law, on Wednesday's Late Show with David Letterman, comedian/actor Chris Rock cracked that ObamaCare opponents remind him of those against civil rights in the ...
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