
Fox Animator MacFarlane on HBO: 'If Reagan Were President, He Would Try Dick Cheney for War Crimes'

Former President Ronald Reagan would have prosecuted Dick Cheney for war crimes, Seth MacFarlane (IMDb page), creator, writer and executive producer of the Family Guy, American Dad! and The ...

NBC Notes Obama Made Dalai Lama Sneak Out of White House Past Trash Bags

Uniquely among Friday's broadcast network evening newscasts, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gave his viewers a photographic glimpse into the undignified exit from the White House endured ...

Maddow Shows Newsweek's Adler Reading Anti-Filibuster Poem

On Friday's Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, Newsweek contributor Jerry Adler was shown reciting a poem in which he lamented all the agenda items that are unpassable because of the Senate filibuster ...

Daily Beast's Avlon: CPAC's 'Saving Freedom' Theme 'A Little Extreme'

CNN regular and Daily Beast columnist John Avlon labeled "saving freedom," the theme for CPAC 2010, as "a little extreme" and "a little far out" on Thursday's Campbell Brown program and Friday's ...

At CPAC, NY Times Foreshadows Republican Troubles, Leaves Off Initial Racial Stereotype Charge

Reporter Kate Zernike's accusations of racial stereotyping by a speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference didn't make it into the print version of her story.

Olbermann Incorrectly Cites MRC's Bozell & Lumps w/ 'Racists in Right Wing'

On Thursday's Countdown, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann mixed up the Media Research Center with the group Accuracy in Media, as he linked MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell to an article criticizing ...

CBS Contends Democrats Victims of 'Incumbent Backlash,' Not Anti-Big Government Mood

Though polls and recent election results illustrate public antipathy to big government deficit spending and a preference for right-leaning Republicans, Thursday's CBS Evening News foresaw an ...

Newsweek: Chinese Oppression Good For Tibet

In a February 17 online article entitled "Charity Case," Newsweek's Issac Stone Fish declared: "Whether they like it or not, China has been very good for Tibetans." Fish's outrageous claim came on ...

Confused Matthews: What Does Patriot Mean These Days?!

On Wednesday's Hardball Chris Matthews brought on his liberal compatriot from Joan Walsh to double team Let Freedom Ring's Colin Hanna and slander the tea partiers as racist nuts that ...

NYT's Gail Collins on Morning Joe Frets About 'Scary,' Angry Conservatives at CPAC

New York Times columnist Gail Collins appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Thursday, to worry about "scary," fringe conservatives who will be appearing at CPAC in Washington D.C. Picking out certain ...
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