
Washington Post's King Disparages Palin as 'Simple-Minded' and 'Mediocre'

Sarah Palin "doesn't have any substance there behind her" and her remarks at the Tea Party convention were "embarrassing at points" since she delivered "simple, simple thoughts, very ...

CBS and ABC Lament Patrick Kennedy's Exit as 'End of an Era'

Reporting Congressman Patrick Kennedy's decision to not run for re-election this fall for his House seat representing Rhode Island, CBS and ABC on Friday night bemoaned the impending lack of a ...

CNN: President Made 'Pants on Fire' Claim on Health Care; AP: 'Hyperbole'

CNN refreshingly called out President Obama on Friday's Newsroom concerning his false claim that "for the first saw more people getting health care from government than you did from the ...

NYT Shows Obama's Favorability, Approval Plummeting, Yet Stresses 'Edge Over G.O.P. With Public'

Give the New York Times points for nerve: Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney managed to change the subject, taking the paper's poll, full of bad news for President Obama and Democrats, and ...

On MSNBC, HuffPo Reporter Backs Biden Claim Iraq Will Be Obama's 'Great Achievement'

Appearing during the 2pm ET hour of MSNBC Live on February 11, Huffington Post political reporter Ryan Grim not only agreed with Joe Biden that Iraq may be a 'great achievement' for President ...

ABC Gushes Over the 'Genuine Love and Respect' of 'True Valentines' Joe and Jill Biden

Two years after fawning over the romance of John and Elizabeth Edwards, Good Morning America found another Democratic couple to tout. As the song Everlasting Love played in the background, news ...

NBC Showcases Martin Short Championing How Being 'Progressive' Makes Canada 'Very Hip'

People around the world view Canada as "very hip" because of its "progressive" health care and environmental policies, actor/impersonator Martin Short contended in a soundbite featured in a ...

CBS 'Early Show' Skips Part of Poll Finding Most Americans Want Smaller Government

Touting the latest CBS News/New York Times poll on Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith and Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer concluded that Americans were upset with President Obama and ...

Obama's Disapproval Jumps, Couric Instead Stresses: 'Most Think His Priority is Serving the People'

In a new CBS News/New York Times poll, President Barack Obama's disapproval level jumped five points, to 45 percent since the last survey in mid-January, with approval now at just 46 percent, but ...

NYT's John Broder Calls Climate Change Skeptics 'Deniers,' Some Are 'Relatively Uninformed'

New York Times reporter John Broder discussed his front-page climate change story in a podcast: "Well, naturally the skeptics and those who are, you know, relatively uninformed about ...
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