File under: you read it here first. "The Washington Post ignored a few historical facts when it proclaimed in a front page article Wednesday that President Obama is quote, 'a rare President who ...
In an interview with Florida Governor Charlie Crist on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez turned to the hotly contested Senate race: "your opponent in the primary, fellow ...
Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts didn't even try for objectivity on Wednesday when she talked to pay czar Kenneth Feinberg about his attempts to stop AIG CEOs from receiving bonuses. "We ...
CNN's Jim Acosta continued his network's bias against tea party protesters on Wednesday's American Morning by depicting them as "recession raging," and questioned one participant over her ...
Washington Post reporter Eli Saslow befuddled readers on Wednesday by claiming Barack Obama "is a rare president who comes from the middle class." Did the Post forget the humble origins of ...
"Former Washington Post film critic Desson Thomson will join the Obama administration and head to London as a speechwriter for Ambassador Louis Susman," Washington Post "Federal Eye" blogger Ed ...
Michelle Obama sat down for an exclusive, multi-part interview with NBC's Matt Lauer on Wednesday's Today show and as expected with any QA with a First Lady the co-host tossed the perfunctory ...
Only ABC led with the comments from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) against "don't ask/don't tell" as anchor Diane Sawyer called it "a dramatic day on Capitol Hill" and reporter ...
Chris Matthews demanded Republicans be punished for their, as he put it on Tuesday's Hardball, opposition to "everything that tries to solve the country's problems."
Reporting on Obama's push for another $100 billion in "jobs" spending, NBC's Savannah Guthrie chose not to amplify critics who argue we can't afford more massive spending, and instead saluted the ...