
Brown's Win Evidence of 'Wretched' State of the Union, Whines Washington Post's Pearlstein

Scott Brown replacing Ted Kennedy in the Senate really irritated Washington Post business section columnist Steven Pearlstein, who cited Brown's victory as an example of the "wretched" state of ...

Joy Behar: Tim Tebow Just As Easily Could Have Been 'Rapist Pedophile'

Discounting the pro-life argument of a planned Focus on the Family Super Bowl ad featuring Tim Tebow's mother, Joy Behar told the audience of the January 26 "View" that the Florida Gators ...

Fox News Bests CNN As "Most Trusted Name In News"

After years of CNN touting itself as "the most trusted name in news," a survey released Tuesday from Public Policy Polling (PPP) discovers that among major news sources, only the Fox News Channel ...

CBS's Smith Calls Out Fmr. Obama Comm. Director As Not 'Honest'

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith spoke to former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, who claimed the GOP "made a decision a year ago that they weren't going to ...

Study: Only Fox News Offered Obama Historically Normal Scrutiny in 2009

A new study from the Center for Media and Public Affairs found President Obama fared far better on ABC, CBS and NBC during his first year in office than did Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush. ...

NY Times Wrote Up Four Immigration Protesters, All But Ignored Tens of Thousands Against Abortion

The Times recently offered up a 780-word article on a protest for illegal immigrants - with four marchers walking from Miami to Washington. But on Saturday, tens of thousands of Americans ...

CBS Touts Obama's 'Big Spending Freeze;' Focus On Middle Class

At the top of Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez highlighted the latest attempt at populism by the Obama administration: "President Obama calls for a big spending freeze and ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Frets to McCain: Tax Cuts Will 'Increase the Deficit'

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos played defense for the White House on Tuesday. While talking with John McCain about Obama's 2010 proposals, he sounded annoyed that the Senator's ideas ...

Rosie O'Donnell Lectures George Stephanopoulos: Don't Grill Me; He Doesn't

Rosie O'Donnell appeared on Tuesday's Good Morning America and lectured host George Stephanopoulos, "You just have to relax and remember that not everyone's a politician. And you don't have to ...

Sawyer Asks Obama to Time Travel: What Would You Say to the Obama of a Year Ago?

Diane Sawyer's interview with President Barack Obama wasn't nearly as sycophantic as the one conducted last Wednesday by George Stephanopoulos, but in her "if you were a tree, what kind would you ...
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