On Tuesday's Today show NBC's Kelly O'Donnell - apparently reaching to find something negative to say about the surging Scott Brown - accused the Republican Massachusetts Senate candidate of ...
Appearing on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele criticized potential Democratic efforts to delay seating Republican Scott Brown as the Senator from ...
During a Monday video interview with the New York Times' The Caucus blog, the new White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer, joined his predecessor Anita Dunn in declaring that Fox News ...
On Tuesday's Good Morning America, former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos appeared glum about the prospects of Democrats in Massachusetts' special Senate election. He ...
In an obvious last-minute attempt to tip the vote in Massachusetts, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann unleashed against GOP Senate candidate Scott Brown on Monday's Countdown, calling him "an irresponsible, ...
The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz found it amazing Barack Obama was portrayed so well in background quotes provided by Obama's own aides to the authors of 'Game Change.' Kurtz credibly recounted ...
ABC on Monday night again empathized with the Obama White House's disbelief that they could lose "Ted Kennedy's Senate seat" - and thus ObamaCare - if Republican Scott Brown beats Democrat Martha ...
In a bizarre twist of logic, on Monday's Morning Joe program on MSNBC, Time magazine's Mark Halperin argued that if Democrat Martha Coakley lost the race for the Massachusetts Senate, it would ...
NBC's Tom Brokaw, on Monday's Today show, joined in the chorus of those depicting Rush Limbaugh as some sort of insensitive lout who doesn't want Americans to donate to the Haitian earthquake ...
Assuming bad news for the Democrats in Tuesday's special Senate election in Massachusetts, ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Monday worried about a "Plan B" for passing ObamaCare: "You have top ...