Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, trashed Sarah Palin, for all things, not quickly responding to a Glenn Beck question about who her favorite Founding Father was. After playing a clip of ...
In yet another testament to liberals celebrating liberals, on Thursday the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism announced that CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric won the Alfred I. ...
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Thursday highlighted Keith Olbermann's slam of Pat Robertson as "the devil" for comments he made about the earthquake in Haiti. Co-host also George ...
The devastating earthquake in Haiti, which may have killed tens of thousands or more, "reminded" MSNBC's Keith Olbermann of why ObamaCare is needed in the United States as he saw "what health care ...
On Wednesday's Hardball, Chris Matthews played an out-of-context clip of Rush Limbaugh to accuse the talk radio host of exploiting the Haiti earthquake, asking left-wing Rep. Barbara Lee of ...
CNN's Jack Cafferty highlighted the research of "some scientists [who] insist the earth is entering a cooling trend" in a commentary on Cafferty detailed the harsh winter weather in the ...
Former Democratic aide turned Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday derided Sarah Palin's debut as a Fox News analyst, asserting that she "was in pretty loving hands there ...
While speculating that Tonight Show host Conan O'Brien may move to Fox in the wake of NBC shaking up its late night schedule, on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez referred to ...
Talking about Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's "Negro dialect" crack about Barack Obama on MSNBC's Countdown Tuesday night, Newsweek's Howard Fineman suggested "pretty much" all Americans ...
Provoked by charges made in Game Change that Sarah Palin had to be tutored in foreign policy, Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, took shot after shot at the former vice presidential ...