
Today Profiles 'Angel of Death Row' Who Calls Death Penalty 'A Barbaric Institution'

Andrea Lyon, the attorney for accused child murderer Casey Anthony, was invited on Thursday's Today show to discuss the case and promote her new book and was given a platform to call the death ...

CNN: Senator Dorgan Now a 'Conservative Democrat,' No Liberal Tags

CNN continued its spin on the retirement of Senator Byron Dorgan on Wednesday. Anchor Campbell Brown one-upped Wolf Blitzer's "moderate Democrat" tag of the senator, going so far to label the ...

Network Evening Newcasts Ignore Resignation of Disgraced Baltimore Mayor; Morning Shows Forget Dem Label

While the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore, Shelia Dixon, resigned on Wednesday amid a criminal scandal, the evening news programs on NBC, ABC, and CBS all failed to mention the political downfall.

NBC Highlights (But ABC Skips) Obama Aide's Love Child Scandal

Nine days after ABC announced on Good Morning America that financial correspondent Bianna Golodryga would be marrying top Obama official Peter Orszag, NBC's Today made sure to highlight the ...

FNC's Shepard Smith: Guantanamo Gave U.S. A 'Black Eye'

In an interview on Fox News Channel's Studio B on Wednesday, New York Congressman Peter King criticized President Obama for his "race to close Guantanamo," prompting host Shepard Smith to parrot ...

CNN's Cafferty Slams Democrats' Closed-Door Negotiations on Health Care

On Wednesday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty surprisingly blasted top Democrats, especially President Obama, over the secret negotiations being conducted to reconcile the House and Senate ...

CBS's Rodriguez Calls on GOP to Stop 'Partisan Bickering' Over Security

Speaking with Republican New York Congressman Peter King on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared: "Congressman, here you are a Republican talking about everything that's ...

Robin Roberts Shut Out: New Host George Stephanopoulos Hogs GMA's Political Interviews

Despite promises from ABC to the contrary, Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts appears to have been almost completely shut out from political and policy interviews since George ...

Lauer Sticks Up for Obama On Charge He's Soft on Terror: 'Get Rid of It'

NBC's Matt Lauer dismissed the idea that Barack Obama was weak on terrorism, as the Today co-anchor, on Wednesday's show, wanted to "get rid" of the notion that "the President doesn't take the ...

CNN: 'Moderate' Sen. Dorgan 'Was Expected to Easily Win a Fourth Term'

On Tuesday evening, CNN tried to put the best spin on Senator Byron Dorgan's announcement that he wasn't running for reelection, labeling the pro-abortion, union-friendly liberal who was trailing ...
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