
Olbermann: ObamaCare Opponents 'Killing 45,000 People/Year,' 'Who Are the Terrorists?'

Keith Olbermann turned his attention to Neal Boortz - whom he called a "hate radio host" and referred to as being "dehumanized" - and others who oppose the implementation of ObamaCare, accusing ...

Matthews: Every 'Teabagger' is White, 'What's That About?'

Chris Matthews just can't stop implying some sort of racist motives behind tea-partiers as on Tuesday's Hardball, the MSNBC host ' in a segment about which candidate they would gravitate towards ' ...

NBC's Vieira to Michael Steele: Is Cheney 'Hurting' Republicans?

Meredith Vieira peppered RNC chair Michael Steele, on Tuesday's Today show, with a line of questioning that made the GOP out to be "partisan" in its criticisms of Obama's national security ...

On Today: Fill Out Census or You Won't Get Government Goodies!

NBC's Today show invited on Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Census Bureau Director Robert Groves to promote their Portrait of America road tour as a way to encourage people to fill out the ...

MSNBC's Shuster: Brit Hume 'Denigrated' Christianity with Tiger Woods Comment

During the 3PM ET hour of live coverage on MSNBC, anchor David Shuster claimed that Fox News political analyst Brit Hume "denigrated Christianity" when suggesting that scandal-ridden golfer Tiger ...

NY Times Publicizes a Four-Person March in Support of Illegal Immigrants

A "march" from Miami to Washington on behalf of illegal immigrants consisting of four marchers somehow merited a 780-word New York Times article Saturday by reliably pro-amnesty reporter Julia ...

CBS: 'Rolex' Swiss Health Care System a 'Model for America'

On Saturday's CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor teased an upcoming story on Switzerland's health care system by wondering: "Could Switzerland's health care be a model for America?" He later ...

ABC Highlights Democrat James Carville to Tout Brilliance, Sexiness of George Stephanopoulos

On Monday's Good Morning America, ABC featured Democratic aide James Carville to sing the praises of former Democratic aide George Stephanopoulos, now the co-host of the ABC program. Carville ...

Lauer Presses DeMint To 'Come Around' On Obama's TSA Nominee

NBC's Matt Lauer, on Monday's Today show, used the occasion of the bombing attempt of Northwest Flight 253, to press Republican Senator Jim DeMint to stop being the last "hold-out" and "come ...

CBS Commentator: 00's Brought 'Intellectual' President, Also 'Blight' of Palin Chinese Drywall

CBS's Sunday Morning featured a commentary in which New Yorker magazine staff writer Rebecca Mead looked back at the past decade and hailed the "remarkable...election of a certified intellectual ...
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