
Carol Costello: Republicans Fomented 'Fear and Confusion Among Voters'

CNN's Carol Costello reminisced enthusiastically about President Obama's inauguration a year ago on Tuesday's American Morning, highlighting how, at the time, "the hearts of millions of Americans ...

CBS's Rodriguez: Scott Brown Will 'Derail' Ted Kennedy's 'Passion'

Speaking to political analyst John Dickerson on Wednesday's CBS Early Show about Republican Scott Brown winning the Massachusetts Senate race, co-host Maggie Rodriguez lamented: "When it comes to ...

Bitter David Shuster Rants About Hitler Posters of Tea Partiers, 'Far-Right Elements'

MSNBC's David Shuster on Wednesday used the victory of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts as another opportunity to trash the tea party movement. Teasing an interview with one of the ...

Vieira to Scott Brown: You're Derailing Cause of Teddy's Lifetime

NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Wednesday's Today show, rained on Scott Brown's parade as she wondered if the Senator-Elect's post-victory call to Ted Kennedy's widow Vicki was an awkward moment since, ...

CNN's Yellin Says 'Very Subdued' Coakley Swamped by 'Tidal Wave of Voter Rage'

When Democrats lose, liberal reporters tend to see anger and fear, and never positive motivations. CNN reporter Jessica Yellin found the "anger and fear" during live coverage just after 10 pm ...

Olbermann Renews 'Teabagging' Attack on Scott Brown, Cuts His Victory Speech

While it is well known that MSNBC's Keith Olbermann is the most viciously liberal voice to host a news program within the mainstream media, he usually tones down his anti-conservative, ...

CBS: If Brown Wins, 'It's Going to Get Uglier' in Washington

Less than two hours before the polls closed in Massachusetts, CBS News political analyst John Dickerson argued on Tuesday's CBS Evening News that if Republican candidate Scott Brown wins, "it's ...

Matthews Blares: A Vote for Scott Brown is 'Premeditated Murder for Health Care!'

Chris Matthews left no doubt for Massachusetts voters what was at stake with their vote in today's Senate election as the MSNBC host, on Tuesday's Hardball, underlined, in graphic terms, that a ...

ABC's Brian Ross Hyperventilates Over 'Secret Bible Codes' on Military Guns

Nightline's Brian Ross on Monday filed a hyperbolic report on "secret Jesus codes" that are on the sights of rifles used by the U.S. military in Afghanistan. Ross featured two voices highly ...

CNN's Yellin : 'Angry and Scared' People Caused Scott Brown's Rise

On Monday's AC360, CNN's Jessica Yellin spun the rise of Republican candidate Scott Brown as coming from "folks here in Massachusetts [who] are feeling angry and scared. They're angry and scared ...
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