Newsweek senior editor Jerry Adler on Thursday posted a bizarre poem on the publication's website, mocking Lou Dobbs for leaving CNN and insinuating that the cable anchor might be crazy: "So wily ...
Interviewing Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cited a cause of the shooting at Ft. Hood: "...the Iraq war, the escalation in number of ...
World News anchor Charles Gibson admitted on Tuesday, "I worry about the lack of objectivity and the future of the news business." The ABC host spoke before the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce ...
World News anchor Charles Gibson admitted on Tuesday, "I worry about the lack of objectivity and the future of the news business." The ABC host spoke before the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce ...
CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric's online commentary on the Berlin Wall focused on a separated-twins analogy rather than on the victory of democracy, freedom, and Western civilization.
Tuesday night ABC's Brian Ross highlighted how in 2007 Nidal Hasan had exposed his radicalism and threat when he declared: "We love death more than you love life." But neither CBS nor NBC cited ...
"The clergy should stay off Capitol Hill," MSNBC's Chris Matthews flatly declared on Tuesday's Hardball. Matthews fumed with disgust as Politico's Jonathan Allen told him that Catholic bishops ...
ABC and CBS aired hours of Michael Jackson' memorial service in July, but on Tuesday afternoon the two networks weren't so interested in the memorial service for the victims at Fort Hood. The two ...
The Washington Post is still having trouble with how the voters rejected their favorite Democrats. The bias erupted in a front page headline on Tuesday. It read:"'Scozzafava' turns into epithet: ...
Invited on Tuesday's Today show to promote her new book, Carrie Prejean defended the latest scrutiny surrounding her as the latest example of "liberal bias in the media," of "conservative women" ...