
Gibson Frets: 'Liberal Republican Gets Forced Out, What Happened to the Big Tent?'

ABC's Charles Gibson delivered the usual liberal media upset over the GOP's inadequate "big tent," asking: "A liberal Republican gets forced out of the race by a more conservative guy who was ...

Hardball: GOP Russian-Like 'Purge' of RINOs Leading to 'Crack Cocaine of Reduced Republicanism'

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, claimed the GOP is purging moderates from the party like it was 1930s Russia, and Newsweek's Howard Fineman said the dumping of RINOs like Dede Scozzafava in ...

ABC's Bill Weir Wistfully Asks: What Happened to Obama's 'Day of Unity' Inauguration?

Good Morning America's Bill Weir on Saturday interviewed Nancy Pelosi and wistfully responded to the House Speaker's reminiscing about the "stillness" and "silence" of Barack Obama's inauguration. ...

NYT's Frank Rich: 'The G.O.P. Stalinists Invade Upstate New York'

Though he's predicting Democrats will prevail in the end, former theatre critic turned New York Times over-dramatic liberal columnist Frank Rich sounded even more skittish than usual in his ...

CBS's Smith: Will Conservative Turn in NY-23 Race 'Kill' GOP?

Interviewing Mitt Romney on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith alluded to the special election in New York's 23rd congressional district and the success of Conservative Party candidate ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Spins Hoffman Race as a GOP 'Civil War'

Former top Democratic aide turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Monday spun the upcoming November 3 congressional election in New York as a Republican "civil war." Recounting the battle ...

Matthews: Is Obama 'Smarter Than Us?' Newsweek's Fineman: 'Of Course He Is!'

When a despondent Matthews worried that Barack Obama wasn't more aggressive in pushing health care reform, Fineman calmed Matthews down by assuring him that "one of his great ...

Warning: Rosie O'Donnell is Back - Well, Sort of, on Sirius/XM Radio

Rosie O'Donnell returns to the media today, but in quite a step down the media ladder from national TV prominence - with a daily two-hour show on XM and Sirius satellite radio. "Rosie Radio is a ...

CBS's Schieffer Accuses Limbaugh of Breaking White House's 'Truce' with FNC

Rush Limbaugh's tough criticisms of President Barack Obama on Fox News Sunday "broke" the White House's truce with Fox News, Bob Schieffer suggested during an interview with Obama's Senior ...

On This Week, Brownstein Frets Over 'Leash' Limbaugh and Fox Pull on 'Narrowing' GOP

In the wake of liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava suspending her congressional campaign, Los Angeles Times veteran Ron Brownstein fretted over how it's "a sign that the leash that the base is ...
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