
Don Hewitt, RIP: Reprimanded Rather and CBS Over Bush National Guard Hit Piece

Don Hewitt, creator of CBS's 60 Minutes who passed away Wednesday, recognized the bias which led Dan Rather to target President George W. Bush with a 2004 story based on forged documents, as he ...

CBS Early Show Praises Teen Global Warming Activist

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Daniel Sieberg reported on a young global warming activist from California: "...everyday citizens of all ages are doing their part to raise awareness ...

NBC: After Town Hall 'Madness' Obama Condition 'Stable'; Don't Fact Check Obama

NBC turned opposition to ObamaCare into a "split" in public opinion in a NBC poll as Chuck Todd assessed Obama's health effort "is stable," and he listed four charges against the bills which he ...

MSNBC Guest Inserts Gratuitous Palin Slam Into College Football Story

Nation magazine sports editor Dave Zirin appeared on MSNBC's News Live on Tuesday to discuss college football and ended up trashing Sarah Palin. Talking with host David Shuster, Zirin frothed that ...

MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters 'Racist,' Including Black Gun-Owner

On Tuesday, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder ...

MRC Friend Bob Novak Passes Away; A Look at His Insights About the Media

Sadly, news came Tuesday that Robert Novak passed away, at age 78, after a battle with brain cancer. Starting in 1994 Novak generously helped the MRC as a judge for our annual "Best Notable ...

CBS Highlights AARP Losing Members Over ObamaCare

On Monday's Evening News, CBS's Sharyl Attkisson filed a report highlighting the recent defections of thousands of AARP members to the more conservative American Seniors Association (ASA), because ...

Gibson Worries: 'Will Obama Go to the Mat for a Public Option?'

On Monday's World News, ABC's Charles Gibson channeled the worry of liberal activists over President Obama' seeming retreat on the big government "public option." Gibson fretted to White House ...

ABC Touts Insurance Industry 'Whistleblower,' Fails to Note Left-Wing Affiliation

ABC on Sunday ran a sympathetic piece on former insurance executive Wendell Potter's "personal journey from health industry insider to outsider." Good Morning America's Ron Claiborne trumpeted how ...

CBS Hails ObamaCare; Calls French Health Care 'Best in the World'

On CBS's Sunday Morning correspondent Martha Teichner touted President Obama's latest PR blitz to promote health care reform: "For the third time in five days, Barack Obama used the presidential ...
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