
ABC Decries 'Shouting'' and 'Screaming' in One-sided Story on End-of-life Care

ABC's Good Morning America on Monday presented an extremely one-sided take on the controversial end-of-life provisions in the health care bill, decrying all the "screaming" and "shouting" at town ...

Ex-CNN Reporter Denounces 'Organized Intimidation' By 'Crazed' ObamaCare Opponents

"What do you call a crazed group of people that disrupts a meeting on health care and hangs the congressman holding it in effigy?" Former CNN Washington correspondent Bob Franken, in a Friday blog ...

Nets Disparage Protests: Getting 'Ugly' and 'Unruly,' Scold Limbaugh But Skip Pelosi

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts in near-unison on Friday night disparaged the anti-ObamaCare protests at town meetings as "unruly," "nasty" and "getting ugly," while CBS and NBC targeted ...

Dan Rather Pleads for White House Help for News Media

In an August 9 Washington Post op-ed, disgraced CBS anchor Dan Rather is asking President Obama to form a commission to find ways to help the news media. It shows the liberal journalist's comfort ...

CNN Uses Pro-Communist American to Tout Cuban Health Care

On Thursday, CNN Newsroom aired a piece of communist propaganda about how Cuba could serve as "a model for health care reform" in the U.S., complete with an authoritative soundbite from an ...

MSNBC Hosts: Town Hall Protests Are Threat to Obama's Life

At the top of the 4:00PM ET hour on MSNBC Friday, fill-in co-anchor Monica Novotny issued a dire warning about protests at health care town hall meetings: "The town hall confrontations are turning ...

Obama's Grades from CNN's 'Non-Partisan' Panel Match Liberals' High Marks

Three of CNN's supposedly non-partisan political analysts - Jeffrey Toobin, David Gergen, and Gloria Borger - gave President Obama high grades during the network's special on Obama's second 100 ...

ABC's Nightline Celebrates Sotomayor's 'Jackie Robinson Moment'

ABC's "Nightline" on Thursday celebrated Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation to the Supreme Court as a "Jackie Robinson moment" and also highlighted cheering crowds at an event put on by the left-wing ...

CBS Finally Acknowledges Problems With 'Cash for Clunkers'

After touting the 'Cash for Clunkers' program as a "runaway success" and "great for the environment," Friday's CBS Early Show finally reported on problems with the plan as co-host Maggie Rodriguez ...

Post Columnist Smears GOP as 'Political Terrorists' on Health Care

In Friday's Washington Post business section, columnist Steven Pearlstein - who last week condemned the conservative "fantasy" that raising taxes hurts the economy - blasted Republicans as ...
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