
On FNC, Pinkerton Compares CNN on 'Bold' Obama to 'Stalinesque Fakery'

Picking up on how CNN's Suzanne Malveaux hailed, as "a bold display of presidential concern," President Obama hugging a woman at Wednesday's health care forum, Jim Pinkerton, on FNC's Fox ...

Notable Quotables Flashback: Ten Months of Media Scorn for Sarah Palin

In announcing that she was stepping down as Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin noted the unrelenting hostility of liberal media elites. In the barely ten months since she burst onto the national scene, ...

NBC's Todd: Palin Will Attract 'Car-Wreck Watchers;' All Call Palin Decision 'Bizarre'

Sarah Palin's "bombshell" announcement that she will resign as Governor of Alaska trumped Michael Jackson as the lead on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts Friday as NBC's Chuck Todd predicted ...

CBS Doesn't Mention Obama as Unemployment Hits 26-Year High

Unemployment in June hit 9.5%, the highest since 1983, as 467,000 jobs were lost, yet the CBS Evening News didn't mention President Obama or his "stimulus" while NBC only touched Obama's policies ...

NBC Puffs Al Franken with Softball Questions to New Senator

On Thursday's Today, Meredith Vieira tossed mostly softballs to Senator-elect Al Franken, offering no hard questions about the disputed 2008 election, instead fawning, "...Are you more worried ...

NBC's Meredith Vieira to Dick Morris: GOP Plan to 'Sit and Watch Obama Fail?'

NBC's Meredith Vieira on Thursday conducted a defensive interview with Fox News' Dick Morris, at one point skeptically wondering if "the Republican tactic from this point on" would be "to sit and ...

CNN Bashes Conservative Ads With 'Industry Insider,' Omits His Far Left Affiliation

CNN glowingly featured an entire segment on Thursday's American Morning about Wendell Potter, a former chief corporate spokesman for the health insurance company Cigna, and he attempted to ...

Are Black Female Reporters In The Tank for Michelle? 'Fabulously'

Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Thursday on black females on the Michelle Obama beat, and whether their shared race and gender produces gauzier coverage. "Indeed, most write ...

Nets Highlight Obama's Hug at Health Forum; CNN: 'Bold Display of Presidential Concern'

Network reporters swooned over President Barack Obama hugging a woman, who has cancer and lacks insurance, at his Wednesday "town hall" on health care, as both CNN - where Suzanne Malveaux ...

Papers Play Up 'Bold' Turn to the Right at High Court, Suggest Sotomayor Can't Stop the Tide

The Washington Post and New York Times published similar Supreme Court "analysis" pieces on their front pages Wednesday offering the theme that the court under Chief Justice John Roberts is moving ...
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