
ABC Endorses ObamaCare Premise: 'The Need is Obvious'

Hours before ABC's prime time special with President Obama from the White House, a World News piece conveyed the public's doubts that Obama will achieve his goals, but also endorsed Obama's ...

Capehart on MSNBC: GOP Now Must 'Skip a Generation and Wait for the Meghan McCains'

In the wake of the revelations about Mark Sanford, Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart declared on MSNBC: "Maybe what the Republican Party is going to have to do is skip a ...

Chris Matthews Attacks: Joe and Mika 'Pussyfoot' Issue of Health Care Reform

Chris Matthews got into a heated exchange with MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday, accusing them of "pussyfooting" the issue of health care and its cost. He also attacked ...

ABC's Diane Sawyer Tosses Tough Queries to Obama; No GOP Voices Featured

ABC's Diane Sawyer on Wednesday hit Barack Obama with some refreshingly tough questions about his plans for health care reform, quizzing the President on potential rationing, reduction of services ...

CBS's Smith: Reaganesque Statement On Iran Not 'Realistic'

On CBS's Early Show, Mitt Romney described Obama's latest comment on Iran as "not exactly a Ronald Reagan 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall' moment." Harry Smith got defensive: "Very different ...

HBO Can't Resist Hostile Guantanamo Cliches in Piece on Diving Rehab

HBO's Real Sports promised a look at an "inspirational therapeutic program" in which wounded warriors are able to go diving off Guantanamo Bay, but Bryant Gumbel and Jon Frankel couldn't resist ...

CBS Confirms ObamaCare Would Oust People from Health Insurance and Doctor

CBS, of all news outlets, is setting a high standard for ABC to meet in its White House broadcasts. Tuesday night, just a week after a "Reality Check" on how President Obama's claim that his ...

Krauthammer: Press 'Stupor' on Obama 'Lifting Slightly'; Hume: Reporters Were Tired of Criticism

Columnist Charles Krauthammer noted on FNC's Special Report that while "there wasn't exactly aggressiveness on the part of the press" during the afternoon presidential press conference, "it looked ...

CNN's Campbell Brown: 'Why Not Be Open to Trying' ObamaCare?

CNN's Campbell Brown used a proponent's own talking point about Obama's health plan as she pressed a doctor over his skepticism of the project during her Monday program: "There's plenty of ...

CBS's Schieffer: Media Bias 'Irrelevant,' Can Get News 'Anyway You Want It'

Appearing on C-SPAN's Washington Journal Tuesday, CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer dismissed the notion of liberal media bias: "...there is so much media out there now that the idea of bias ...
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