
ABC Promises 'Tough Questions' for Obama in 'Television Event'

Friday's World News carried a 15-second promo for Wednesday night's controversial prime time special, "Questions for the President: Prescription for America." Over video of President Barack Obama, ...

NYT Column on 'Obama Haters' Goes Too Far, Even for MSNBC

Reacting to a New York Times column in which Frank Rich claimed Fox News was responsible for violent acts like the murder of abortionist George Tiller or the Holocaust Museum shooting, on MSNBC on ...

Chris Matthews on Air America: McCain Hitting 'Idiot Button'; Mocks Palin

MSNBC's Chris Matthews appeared on Montel Williams' Air America radio show on Wednesday to slam John McCain: "I think McCain put his finger on the idiot button." The Hardball host fumed about ...

CBS Wonders About Possible John Edwards Comeback

CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez wondered on Friday: "Lots of politicians get caught having affairs, as you know. The trick, though, is making a comeback. It's happened before, but the ...

NBC Paints Cancer Victim as Emblematic of Need for 'Public Option'

Centering its story around a man unable to get "affordable" health insurance after a battle with cancer, Thursday's NBC Nightly News devoted its "In-Depth" segment to the "public option," what ...

Obama Names Tom Brokaw And Another Ex-NBC Reporter to White House Panel

President Obama has named two NBC News veterans to the selection panel for the White House Fellows program, which will select new Fellows in the coming week: "Tom Brokaw, now a special ...

After They Criticize Obama, CBS Calls Gay Groups 'Far Left'

Now that gay activists are unhappy with Barack Obama for his policies on federal benefits for same-sex couples, CBS has dusted off the "far left" label. Co-host Harry Smith on Thursday: "President ...

NBC Chafes Obama's Honeymoon Over, But 'It's Not Personal, It's Professional'

"The honeymoon is coming to an end for President Obama," NBC's Chuck Todd fretted Wed. night in summarizing a NBC poll. "But," he rebounded, "it's not personal. It's professional as now the public ...

Evan Thomas on Obama the God: 'I Was Not Being Literal'

In this week's Newsweek, Evan Thomas confessed to being nailed by MRC and other media critics for comparing Obama to God on MSNBC ' or so it seemed, he wrote: "I compared President Obama with God. ...

CPB Ombudsman Agrees: Bill O'Reilly 'Guilty of Promoting Domestic Terrorism'

On Friday, June 12, the PBS program Now (formerly hosted by Bill Moyers) devoted most of its half-hour to the complaints of late-term abortionists Warren Hern and LeRoy Carhart smearing the ...
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