"The side that talks about the need to rein in the federal government" is "not very rational," yet "is winning" the debate over whether to pass another "stimulus" bill, Al Hunt regretted on ...
Three months after the networks, led by ABC's Jonathan Karl, derided Senator Jim Bunning for daring to hold up an "emergency" spending bill which circumvented the "pay as you go" rules, on ...
"Democrats used the word 'giddy' to describe their reaction when they got the cost estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)," NBC's Kelly O'Donnell relayed Thursday night, ...
ABC's World News scolded Senator Jim Bunning for daring to block a $10 billion spending bill until it is offset by cuts, parading victims as Diane Sawyer and Jonathan Karl painted him as a ...
A retiring Senator not facing re-election stood up last week for principle, insisting new federal spending be covered by a matching reduction elsewhere, but instead of hailing Senator Jim Bunning ...
Hosting Sunday's This Week on ABC, Terry Moran noted during the past week the Obama administration "fanned out across the country" to trumpet how "the stimulus worked," yet President Obama ...
On the one-year anniversary of the "stimulus" spending bill, ABC, CBS and NBC eagerly corroborated White House claims about how it "saved or created" many jobs, though they all offered a range of ...
The Times fiercely attacked Republicans during the 2008 campaign for daring to suggest Obama might raise taxes on people making under $250,000 a year. Today, reporter Jackie Calmes encourages him ...
ABC, CBS and NBC reports on federal budget give the president pass on spending, ignore critical liberal and conservative economists who argue it is 'unsustainable.'
Reporting on Obama's push for another $100 billion in "jobs" spending, NBC's Savannah Guthrie chose not to amplify critics who argue we can't afford more massive spending, and instead saluted the ...