
Dear U.S. News & World Report: $100 Million Cut is No Challenge

Putting Obama's budget "cut" in perspective.

Would You Hire Them? On A Bet?

Media don't ask which candidate has leadership experience to head a nation?

ABC Revs Up Criticism of Car Rental Gasoline Fees

'Good Morning America' criticizes penalty for drivers who break rental rules.

CNN: Want a Balanced Budget? No Tax Cuts for You!

'Your $$$$$' puts McCain's promises under the microscope, while glossing over Obama's.

Parade Shills for PBS to Get $400 Million in Federal Funding

NPR affiliates support one-sided poll that equates yes and no votes with 'supporting Big Bird; or give him the ax.'

Post: Bush Budget Spends Too Much AND Too Little

Domestic spending 'cut' - except for that pesky $8.4 billion in increases.

NBC Lobbies for $2.5 Billion in Smithsonian Funding

'Nightly News' implies liberal senator wants money for museum, but even she calls for cuts.

Econ 101: What Does a Falling Dollar Mean?

What changes our exchange rate, and should we worry about it? BMI adviser Gary Wolfram explains.

CBS Shines Rare Light on Frivolous Government Spending

'Evening News' airs unusual story about where federal tax dollars are being spent, showing government excess and congressional favoritism.

Iraq War too Costly to CNN

Network renames show to 'Your $$$$$,' but keeps the same old liberal talking points.
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