
Seelye Celebrates Two New (Unlabeled) Lefty Journalism Projects

"We're taking a look today at two new Web ventures that could help change how politics is covered." But the two sites are staffed almost exclusively by liberal and Democratic activists -what kind ...

The Three Faces of Hillary - All Flattering

Mark Leibovich's latest flattering profile gives us Hillary Clinton, Efficient Manager.

Adoring Elizabeth Edwards

No "trophy wife" cracks here: "A campaigner so skilled, some wonder who's running."

Long-Shot Dems Get Flattering Front-Page Profiles; What About the GOP?

Three favorable profiles of Democratic long-shots in the Times in less than three weeks, two on the front page, none with a news hook. The GOP hasn't fared quite as well.

Al Gore, from "Lost Soul" to "International Hero"

Jim Rutenberg provides some oxygen to the "Draft Gore!" movement.

Christian Conservatives in "Panic" Mode Over Giuliani

Laurie Goodstein, always alert for signs of a crackup on the religious right, thinks she may have found it with the split among conservative Christians over Giuliani. On three separate occasions ...

GOP Candidates Courting "Political Risk of Appearing in Lock Step" with Bush on Health Veto

Patrick Healy sets up the GOP's presidential candidates for a backlash.

Marc Santora Rams Rudy Again

"An odd cellphone call from his wife, two rogue volunteers exploiting the memory of 9/11 to raise money, renewed questions about shifting stances on crucial domestic issues, upheaval within the ...

Times Chips Away at Giuliani's "Myth-Making Moment" of 9-11

The Times is determined to turn Rudy Giuliani's 9-11 leadership into an albatross.

No Matter Who Runs the Ad, Rudy Still Looks Bad

Give the Times points for consistency - it concludes that both's anti-Giuliani ads and Giuliani's own anti-Hillary ads make him look bad.
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