At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill teased a report on Pope Benedict's visit to Scotland: "'s a rather controversial visit for a number of reasons." Later, ...
On Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, during a discussion of the Ground Zero mosque controversy, after Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson recommended that the mosque be moved as a compromise, NPR's ...
Monica Davey gives The Vatican a say: "Jeffrey S. Lena, a California lawyer representing the Holy See, said that while Mr. Anderson had performed an important function...his legal maneuvers ...
The Catholic Church and Islam are the same thing when it comes to their treatment of women according to Maureen Dowd: "I, too, rationalized as men in dresses allowed our religious kingdom to decay ...
It's bad enough when liberal media elites want to run the Republican party or conservative movement. What Catholic would trust them to run the Catholic Church? They see the church as a loathsome ...
On CBS's Sunday Morning, host Charles Osgood marked Easter Sunday by proclaiming: "For many Roman Catholics, the joy of this Easter is mixed with sadness over continuing charges of child abuse and ...
On Thursday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan went after the Vatican for criticizing the slanted New York Times reporting on the priest sex abuse scandal: "Blame the messenger. The ...