Holy Jayson Blair! Catholic League president William Donohue charges Times reporter Paul Vitello with inventing a quote: "I never said anything remotely like this."
It's easy to denounce the Vatican's poor public-relations efforts when you're unwilling to quote the Pope in your story, but you're eager to let people accuse him of being an "enthusiastic Nazi."
Angels Demons star Tom Hanks received zero critical questions or challenges when he appeared on Monday's Good Morning America to promote a movie that features the Catholic Church ordering a ...
Pro-Abortion writer Antonia Zerbisias's Twitter post: 'I wish the marksmen would take @MichelleMalkin. I'm thinking Dick Cheney. He's such a great shot.'
Rachel Donadio reported the Vatican's public relations blunder in the case of a Holocaust-denying bishop and went on to describe "a 2,000-year-old monarchy...run by octoganerians."