Less than two hours before the polls closed in Massachusetts, CBS News political analyst John Dickerson argued on Tuesday's CBS Evening News that if Republican candidate Scott Brown wins, "it's ...
The failures that allowed the unsuccessful Christmas Day terrorist attack have marred President Barack Obama's relaxation schedule in Hawaii, CBS's Jeff Glor and Chip Reid regretted Thursday night ...
More than a year before the end of "the first decade of the 21st century," Katie Couric publicized a non-CBS News poll which, she relayed, found "as we get ready to close the chapter on the first ...
Centering a Friday night story on how, as anchor Katie Couric explained, "Republicans are doing everything they can to block" the "health reform" bill, "including delaying tactics in this race ...
CBS's Nancy Cordes expressed exasperation at how a few Senators have "successfully blocked the public option even though the other 55 Democrats support it...leading some liberals to complain their ...
Network journalists who were quick to see racists amongst the "tea party" protesters were oblivious on Saturday to communists in the "climate justice" march in Copenhagen whose cause they ...
ABC and CBS discounted the scientific relevance of the admissions and obfuscations displayed in the ClimateGate e-mails, but on Wednesday night they finally devoted full stories to the controversy ...
CBS and NBC on Tuesday nightly eagerly pounced on the latest UN pronouncement about a warming world. NBC's Brian Williams touted "a big headline from that climate meeting going on in Copenhagen. ...
"Facing a clock some say has ticked down to zero, today 192 nations came together to take on a potential global catastrophe," a dire ABC reporter Bob Woodruff ominously intoned from Copenhagen on ...
More than two weeks after ClimateGate broke, ABC's World News finally got around to mentioning it Sunday evening, but not to explore how the e-mails discredited leading scientists who insist ...