Serving as a stenographer to Obama operatives trying to magnify the import of the President's schedule, Katie Couric trumpeted: "White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says this will be an ...
Long after conservatives and the American people figured it out, CBS on Monday night came to the realization President Barack Obama has a "credibility" problem fueled by the "disconnect" between ...
NBC's Chuck Todd and CBS's Chip Reid both concluded their interviews with President Obama conducted in Beijing by worrying about the "stress" of his job. "He laughed off the speculation about his ...
News that President Obama is demanding new Afghanistan options and answers, after months and eight meetings with top officials on General Stanley McChrystal's request for more troops, led ABC's ...
Tuesday night ABC's Brian Ross highlighted how in 2007 Nidal Hasan had exposed his radicalism and threat when he declared: "We love death more than you love life." But neither CBS nor NBC cited ...
The ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts Thursday night squeezed in full stories pegged to a "kill the bill" anti-Pelosi/ObamaCare rally outside the U.S. Capitol attended by "angry protesters" as all the ...
Neither CBS nor NBC, in their East coast feeds Thursday night, noted the Muslim religious beliefs of the mass killer at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, but ABC anchor Charles Gibson wasn't cowed ...
CBS's Bob Schieffer on Wednesday night offered the hindsight that everyone knew the Democratic gubernatorial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey would lose, they did lose and so the losses mean ...
Shortly before the polls closed, CBS's Bob Schieffer rejected any effort to tie President Barack Obama to two the Democratic gubernatorial candidates for whom Obama campaigned, insisting on ...
Earning a chuckle even from Al Gore himself for the over the top glorification, CBS's Katie Couric opened her "@katiecouric" Web show interview with Al Gore by extolling: "I'm honored ...