
Media Research Center

Very Green Day: $20 Million in Soros Funding for Earth Day

 Media, government promote lefty observance also funded by Soros. 

NY Times Says It's 'Ugly' to Celebrate bin Laden's Death

The headline over Benedict Carey's NY Times story: "Celebrating a Death: Ugly, Maybe, but Only Human." Carey wrote: "Some Americans celebrated the killing of Osama bin Laden loudly, with chanting ...

NBC's Today Frets Celebrations After bin Laden's Death Were 'Very Disturbing' to Children

On NBC's Today on Wednesday, co-host Matt Lauer worried about Americans celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden: "...your children are going to see, and have already seen, people in the streets ...

Good Friday: Google Celebrates Earth, Ignores Jesus

Famous online search engine logo passes over Christianity

No Class: Times A Little Too Cheery Over Tragedies in an Idyllic Disney Town

Kim Severson's thousand-word story showed tasteless excitement over the news that tragedy has infiltrated the wealthy paradise of Celebration, Fla., a town built by the Walt Disney Co.: "As if the ...
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