On a special edition of Tuesday's Countdown show on MSNBC which aired after President Obama's address to the nation, the panel of Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman were not ...
If Chris Matthews' preview, on Tuesday's Hardball, of his heavily promoted MSNBC documentary Rise of the New Right, is an indicator of what his special will be like expect a lot of rehashing of ...
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, claimed that a Tea Party candidate, in his new ad, had just declared war and warned this was an example of the "lock and load mentality" of "the Tea Party folk."
Newsweek's Howard Fineman, on Monday's Hardball, pushed Barack Obama to "overdo" and "overstep" in his efforts to get BP to plug the leak and stop the oil spill in the Gulf, something Fineman ...
MSNBC's Chris Matthews acted like Bill Clinton's impeachment never happened in an interview on the Charlie Rose show on PBS on June 10, claiming Clinton should be sent to "culturally conservative ...
On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Time magazine's Joe Klein blamed the Gulf oil spill on the Bush administration, asserting that "this is more Bush's second Katrina than Obama's first," ...
Both Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd were taken aback by Barack Obama delivering a "personal connection moment" in today's press conference when he told reporters that his daughter Malia asked him: ...