
Matthews: Republicans Like Rubio Taking Part in 'Stalinesque' Purge of GOP

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, claimed Republicans like Marco Rubio were engaged in a "Stalinesque" purge of the GOP.

Network Anchor: "I Never Engage in Opinions," But...

Vol. 23, No. 8

On Hardball: Slamming Republicans as 'Un-American' Is Fine, But Don't Dare Talk About Obama That Way

Liberal editor Joan Walsh appeared on the April 14 edition of Hardball and mocked Sarah Palin for suggesting that some of Barack Obama's policies are un-American. She sneered that this ...

Maher Insults Palin and Bachmann as MILFs: Morons I'd Like To Forget

Bill Maher and Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, denigrated Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as merely "attractive" women with very little smarts with the HBO host even going as far to use ...

Media: Confederate History Month Proof of Conservative Racism

MSNBC and CNN fan accusatory flames

Matthews' Odd Analogy of the Night: Palin Just Like Liberace

Chris Matthews is becoming a master of the odd analogy. In the past Matthews has compared favorites of the left like Bill Clinton to Jesus and Barack Obama to God and those on the right like Rush ...

Chris Matthews: Would Lincoln Be A Republican Today?

At the end of a show that included Chris Matthews inviting on Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen to compare the Tea Party to the KKK, the Hardball host finished Thursday with a rant questioning if ...

Time Editor Elaborates on Obama to Mandela Comparisons on Hardball

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, invited on Time editor and Nelson Mandela biographer Richard Stengel to clarify his comparisons of Mandela to Barack Obama as the MSNBC host prodded him to ...

Matthews: Limbaugh's Fans Only Listening Because They're Mad At Their Obama Loving Kids

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, took after Rush Limbaugh for his use of the words "regime" and "junta" in talking about Barack Obama's presidency, as hysterically claimed Limbaugh's ...
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