climate alarmism

Media Research Center

Media Hype Hansen’s Latest ‘Alarming’ Prediction: Sea Levels to Rise 10 Feet

Critics say claim has ‘zero credibility,’ but CBS, NBC, MSNBC, other media call it a ‘bombshell’ from a ‘top climate scientist.’
Media Research Center

Salon Derides ‘Loony’ Rep. Louie Gohmert for ‘Dumb & Dumber’ Climate Views

Left-wing editor attacks congressman after he promotes ‘opposing viewpoints’ on global warming.
Media Research Center

Sununu Hits Back at Climate Alarmism on HuffPost Live

Former governor and Bush staffer cites warming ‘pause,’ and string of failed alarmist predictions.
Media Research Center

‘Soft Censorship’ Decried in Climate Science Fight Down Under

Australian University bullied by climate alarmists into dropping new department, Inside Higher Ed says.
Media Research Center

The Guardian Engages in Climate Activism, Ignores Journalism Ethics

British paper promotes its own campaign demanding Gates Foundation divest from fossil fuels.
Media Research Center

Bill Nye Compares Combating Climate Change to Winning World War II

‘Science Guy’ says regulations needed to ‘get people on board’ to stop global warming.
Media Research Center

Famous Journalist’s ‘70s Ice Obsession: ‘Glaciers Down to the Mason-Dixon Line’

‘Murrow Boy’ Howard K. Smith also feared ice age, cited scientists and called their arguments ‘pretty convincing.’
Media Research Center

Liberals: Museums Should ‘Cut All Ties’ with Climate Skeptic David Koch

Climate alarmists claim involvement of ‘science deniers’ and fossil fuel industry compromises ‘integrity’ of institutions. 
Media Research Center

Networks Say Nothing As Congressional Democrats Bully Climate Skeptics

Politicians send ‘chilling’ requests for funding information to academics, non-profits and corporations because of differing climate views.
Media Research Center

Climate Depot’s Morano: Vice Manipulated Ice Interview

 HBO’s Vice airs hit job on ‘climate deniers,’ pushing catastrophic ice melt theme.
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