
NBC Meteorologist: Cooler Waters, Not Global Warming, Behind Tornadoes

'Nightly News' anchor Brian Williams says 'smart' people say 'we must be doing something to our earth' to cause 'deadly tornado season.'

Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a 'Consequence' of Global Warming

Former vice president tells NPR's 'Fresh Air' cyclone is example of 'consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.'

Polar Bear Scare Could Maul Energy Production

Global warming alarmists, news media portray arctic beasts as victims and spokesbears, but protecting their thriving population means greatly increased federal power to control our lives.

'Good Morning America' Gives Only Fraction of ANWR Caribou Story

Show's weatherman warns oil exploration could endanger wildlife, though proposals for drilling would impact only 1/100th of 1 percent of the total refuge.

Huffington Compares Media to 'Pontius Pilate' on Global Warming

Left-wing Web site founder blasts media for considering skeptical perspective on 'climate crisis.'

NPR President: Climate Change to Make LA Traffic Even Worse

Kevin Klose tells global warming forum the U.S. must brace for 100 million more people and crowded roads.

Media Side with Anti-Coal Environmentalists Despite Urgent Power Needs

Reports on the industry assume coal is bad because of CO2 emissions and rely heavily on left-wing eco groups.

Ted Turner's Next Prophecy: Food Riots 'Going to be More Commonplace'

After forecasting cannibalism from global warming, media mogul-turned-U.N. Foundation chairman appears on CNBC and ties 'global climate change' to 'an ever-increasing population.'

More than 33,000 People Send Petition with 'Outrage' Over Time's Doctoring of Iwo Jima Photo

Media Research Center petition demands apology from magazine for 'offensive cover demeaning World War II vets.'

NASA's Hansen Rails Against Coal At Fringe Left-Wing Event

'Climate Super Rally' strays from global warming into leftist anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war and anti-corporation event.
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