
NBC: Cap-and-Trade System Would Magically Make Unaffordable Energy Affordable

'Nightly News' praises carbon-free solar energy plant, and says government regulation needed to make it more affordable.

Man the Lifeboats - Global Warming Alarmism Is Swamping Debate

Media ignore opposition, call scientists 'flat Earthers' to sink climate change dispute.

Washington Post Fans the Flames of Climate Change Alarmism

Story cites report that states carbon output must be 'near zero to avert danger' without including a challenge to that claim.

Take 2: Networks Still Ignore, Print Media Still Bash Warming Conference

A few instances of media mentions - combined with plenty of criticism and dismissiveness - do not equal balanced coverage.

Networks Ignore, Newspapers Mock N.Y. Climate Change Conference

Networks continue trend of ignoring scientists who challenge 'consensus,' while newspapers find plenty of environmentalists to mock them.

Stossel: 'Socialist Media -- Maybe They Will Just Never Get It'

ABC '20/20' co-anchor says journalism has anti-business, anti-capitalist tendencies.

Caps and Trade-offs: Presidential Candidates and Climate Change

All three frontrunners have declared support for mandatory emissions reductions - which would cost consumers and businesses lots of money.

Weather Channel Founder Blasts Network; Claims It Is 'Telling Us What to Think'

TWC founder and global warming skeptic advocates suing Al Gore to expose 'the fraud of global warming.'

Famed Hurricane Forecaster William Gray Predicts Global Cooling in 10 Years

Expert states ocean cycles will have a more profound effect on climate than CO2; criticizes James Hansen's climate models.

BMI's Gainor: 'Disagreement is Not Allowed in the Media'

Business & Media Institute Vice President tells 'Fox & Friends' media ignore and mistreat global warming 'skeptics.'
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