
NY Times Flush with Environmental Extremism

Newspaper profiles 'no impact' couple living without carbon comforts, even toilet paper.

We Can't Afford to Follow Al Gore

Call for massive legislation ignores reality of global energy consumption and plight of the world's poor.

Glamour: Global Warming Activism for Women

From one-sided advisers to calls for government action on climate, the magazine revels in green extremism.

Edwards Claims His Mega-Mansion is Carbon Neutral

Presidential candidate promotes carbon caps for business, but carbon 'offsets' for himself.

No Exxon Deed Goes Unpunished

San Jose paper runs accusations of 'greenwashing' in Exxon-Stanford partnership, but leaves out left-wing affiliations of critic.

'Evening News' Green Fantasy

CBS report showcases 'green' islands climate change solutions that 'can work anywhere'.

Sports Illustrated: From Beachwear to Beach Warnings

Magazine tackles climate change during football, baseball offseason.

Help the Earth for Just $18,000

CBS pushes California's solar power plan by downplaying massive cost.

Can We Atone for Our Energy Sins?

Media fawn over celebrities' 'carbon offsets' and fail to examine cost of carbon-trading programs.

'Hannity & Colmes' Lists More Than 70 Scientists Skeptical of Global Warming Hysteria

Show proves case isn't closed, discusses major new documentary.
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