
CNN's Miles O'Brien Paints Senator on Quixotic Quest against Global Warming Reality

But the science is hardly unanimous, and computer models predicting warming have been wrong before.

ABC Reheats Leftover Bias on Global Warming, Showcases Hansen

Global warming skeptics, critics of NASA's Hansen left out in the cold; Hansen's 'political inclinations' lean heavily left.

CNBC 'Global Players' Special Stacked Deck in Favor of Environmental Regulation

Slanting the field 4-to-1, network hyped NASA scientist, dismissed Competitive Enterprise Institute critic.

Wall Street Journal Finds Kyoto-Inspired Carbon Trading Hikes Electric Bills for German Consumers

Report contrasts with CBS's earlier cheerleading for a similar plan in California.

CBS Cheers Governator's Plan to Terminate Global Warming

But no critics of the regulation or global warming science were included in reporter Blackstone's story.

CBS's Hannah Storm Lets Global Warming Alarmist Breeze through Interview without Opposition

Scientists disagree with journalist who says global warming is significant factor in hurricane strength or sea-level rise.

Fuel for Thought: Hurricane Season Below Average

Networks promote warming oceans, but ignore cooling temperatures.

What a Difference a Page Makes for Global Warming, Hurricanes

Post's news section admits scientists debate hurricane link, but Outlook author predicts Katrina-like storms in D.C.

Too Much Gore on TV

Network obsession delivers a summer filled with vice president turned climate change pitchman.

In Midst of Scorching Heat Wave, CBS Proclaims Global Warming Debate Over

Reporter relies on one climatologist who says pollution delayed global warming in '70s - but back then, scientists warned of catastrophic global cooling.
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