CNN: Conservative Guests are 'Controversial;' No Labels for Liberals

CNN, whose new ad claims that they "keep them all honest, without playing favorites," actually played favorites on Monday's Parker-Spitzer. Hosts Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer failed to give ...

Olbermann Responds to Koppel, Claims Criticized Obama More in a Week that FNC Primetime Did Bush in 8 Years

On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his latest "Special Comment" to respond to former ABC anchor Ted Koppel's inclusion of him and MSNBC in his criticism of the modern news ...

Michael Moore: 'Good Thing for Dems' That Conservative Dems 'Thrown Out of Office'

Appearing as a guest on Friday's Larry King Live on CNN, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore claimed that a "silver lining" for the Democratic Party in their election losses is that conservative ...

Roland Martin on CNN: Sarah Palin is the 'Kim Kardashian of Politics'

Roland Martin brought his full-blown Palin Derangement Syndrome to Friday's Anderson Cooper 360, labeling the former Alaska governor "the Kim Kardashian of politics." Martin continued that Palin ...

CNN Claims 'No Favorites,' But New MRC Data Documents Its Liberal Skew

CNN has launched a new advertising campaign, claiming to be the only cable network without an ideological ax to grind. But an MRC review of the network's primetime shows in October shows liberal ...

CNN's Parker-Spitzer Endorse Matt Taibbi's Anti-Tea Party Attack: 'Chasing Mexicans on Medicaid'

CNN's Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer endorsed Matt Taibbi's bashing of conservatives on their Monday program. Spitzer marveled over the Rolling Stone editor's "brilliant" label of the Tea Party ...

CNN Features Guest Who Charges 'Regressive White Right' Has 'Declared War' on Progress

CNN's Don Lemon tossed softballs at leftist writer Tim Wise on Sunday's Newsroom, mostly reading back excerpts from his latest column, which the anchor labeled a "withering rebuke of...the 'white ...

MSNBC Says 'Fantastic' Report Shows 151,000 Jobs Added, But Rate 'Holds Steady'

Media ignore how positive numbers fall more than 7 million jobs shy of Obama's jobs promise.

Maher: GOP Voters a 'Fringe Group;' Fox News Spreading 'Misinformation'

HBO's Bill Maher spouted his usual anti-conservative and anti-Fox News rhetoric on Monday's Situation Room on CNN, attacking the Tea Party movement as "teabaggers [who] are all carrying the ...

CNN Leads Tea Party Special With Racism Charge; Castle a 'Conservative'

CNN led their hour-long documentary "Boiling Point: Inside the Tea Party," which aired on Saturday and Sunday, with the regular accusation from liberals that racism is "running rampant" in the Tea ...
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