Pressed by Kurtz, Huffington Rationalizes Appearing w/ Olbermann While Demanding Civility

On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN host Howard Kurtz pressed guest Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post on her hypocrisy for calling for more civility in political discourse even while she is ...

Zakaria: Sales Tax, More Govt. Spending Needed to 'Restore American Dream'

On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Fareed Zakaria endorsed a predictably liberal solution to get the American economy moving again: enact more taxes and implement new government programs. Zakaria ...

CNN Guest Mischaracterizes Focus on the Family as Pro-'Mean' Toward 'Gay People'

Author of 'Queen Bees & Wannabes' suggests to 'AC360' viewers Christian ministry promotes tolerance of aggressive behavior against homosexuality.

CNN Highlights Assault on MoveOn Worker, Omits Assault on Paul Supporter

CNN devoted seven news briefs on Tuesday to an assault on a employee by Rand Paul supporters caught on camera outside the Kentucky Senate debate on Monday evening, but failed to mention ...

CNN Anchor Claims Christine O'Donnell is 'Arrogant' For Praying Over Campaign

American Morning anchor Kiran Chetry challenges the spiritual motives of Delaware Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell.

CNN's Velshi Bashes Ethics of U.S. Chamber of Commerce with Left-Wing Talking Points

Anchor alleges pro-business organization's political activities are unethical.

Jon Stewart on CNN: Fox News 'Wrong,' a 'Political Organization'

On Wednesday's Larry King Live on CNN, liberal comedian Jon Stewart bashed Fox News, labeling their "fair and balanced" slogan a "complete lie." Stewart also stated that he thought the network was ...

CNN Barely Covers Coons Gaffe on 1st Amendment, Highlights O'Donnell

CNN devoted several segments on Tuesday and Wednesday to Delaware Republican Christine O'Donnell's apparent gaffe on the First Amendment, but barely acknowledged her opponent Chris Coons's own ...

Viguerie: CNN Needs More Conservatives; Parker-Spitzer Brings on Libs

Conservative Richard Viguerie brought his criticism of CNN's "left-of-center" bent on Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, and recommended that the network bring on more "articulate conservatives." The two ...

Blitzer, Karibjanian Tougher on O'Donnell Than Coons in Senate Debate

CNN's Wolf Blitzer and former public television anchor Nancy Karibjanian pressed Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell during Wednesday's Delaware Senate debate. While the two pressed O'Donnell ...
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