Media Ignore OPEC's 'Toying' with Oil Output

Weeks ago, CNN's Jack Cafferty pushed theory that oil company execs were driving prices down.

'Recession' Never Recedes Far from News Comments

TV reports continue to raise the specter of economic troubles despite strong growth and low unemployment.

Oklahoma Senator Spars with CNN's Miles O'Brien in Interview

Senator cited media bias and O'Brien's own hype about a new ice age just 12 years earlier.

CNN's Miles O'Brien Paints Senator on Quixotic Quest against Global Warming Reality

But the science is hardly unanimous, and computer models predicting warming have been wrong before.

CNN Claims Small Price Drop Indicates Widespread Housing Problems

'American Morning' overemphasizes slight decline with tales of a bubble that has 'burst.'

CNN's Serwer Dismisses Market Conspiracies

But his network has toyed with gasoline price-fixing conspiracies for weeks.

CNN 'In the Money' Drops Conspiracy Theory When Interviewing Oil Analyst

Yet a week before, the business news program entertained Jack Cafferty's theory on Republican control of gas prices.

CNN's Cafferty Rehashes Conspiracy Theory on Gas Prices, Elections

'In the Money' crew entertains notion Big Oil dropping prices to boost GOP; co-host Serwer dismisses price drop as a 'blip.'

CNN's Velshi Returns to Slamming Insurance Companies

Business reporter leaves out any industry representation. After all, two days earlier he cited an industry spokesman.

Summer Rerun: Executive Summary

Global Warming Movie Makes the Media Hot for Al Gore All Over Again
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