CNN's Piers Morgan tried to resurrect his desperate push for gun control on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Live. Morgan spat on the NRA and bullied author Wayne Allen Root for joining the organization. ...
Chalk this one up to the absurd. CNN's Ashleigh Banfield on Wednesday
tried to draw a legal parallel between a Sharia Law execution and a
Catholic school firing a teacher for violating her ...
CNN exaggerated poll numbers on Thursday's Newsroom to claim that Americans are writing off the scandals of the Obama administration. CNN's Suzanne Malveaux and Alison Kosik reported that voters ...
CNN couldn't hold back a parting shot at Rep. Michelle Bachmann
(R-Minn.) when the Congresswoman announced on Wednesday that she would
be retiring after 2014. On Wednesday morning's Newsroom, ...
On her Monday show, CNN's Christiane Amanpour celebrated the same "Catholic" writer who penned the revolting piece, "So What If Abortion Ends Life?" and who shuddered at an Olympic gold ...
As CBS and NBC both touted
President Obama's Tuesday visit to New Jersey, so too did CNN hype
Obama's "bromance" with Governor Chris Christie as the President tried
to step away from ...
As scandals surround the Obama administration, the networks suggest that if Republicans pursue investigations, they'll be guilty of "overreaching," or "overplaying their hand," while the ...
News broke on Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder approved the
Justice Department's seizure of a Fox News reporter's private e-mails, but it took
CNN until almost 5 p.m. ET Friday to ...
Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services has come under major
scrutiny for bypassing Congress and soliciting donations from health
executives to help support ObamaCare, yet CNN has ...
CNN's Jake Tapper took Obama's Justice Department to task on his
Wednesday afternoon show, sounding alarm over the "precedent" that the
administration's investigation of Fox News reporter ...