In the latest episode of CNN's Inside Man, new host Morgan
Spurlock attacked those who bought guns in the wake of the Newtown
shootings, and told Americans they don't "need" AR-15 rifles or ...
CNN once again hyped a Texas legislator's stand against a pro-life bill,
this time highlighting the "very personal war of words" between the
"rising star" and Republican Governor Rick Perry. ...
Amidst the controversy of the IRS targeting Tea Party groups, CNN
jumped all over breaking news that helped the Democratic narrative but
was silent when developments occurred that boosted the ...
CNN's Anderson Cooper gave a soft interview on his June 26 show to Texas Democratic state senator Wendy Davis, "a hero to some in the fight over abortion." Her accomplishment? She "took a stand ...
CNN really showed its bias in reacting to two very different Supreme
Court decisions this week. On Tuesday, the Court struck down a portion
of the 1965 Voting Rights Act; in the hours that ...
Once again, CNN welcomed liberal comedian Bill Maher despite the vitriol
he has spewed about conservative women like Sarah Palin and Michele
Bachmann. New host George Stroumboulopoulos let ...
On her Thursday CNN International show, host Christiane Amanpour relayed
President Obama's call for a "global compact" to fight climate change
and asked what could be done to "follow" Obama's ...
CNN's new morning show New Day hosted only one member of
Congress – a Democrat – to discuss the immigration bill on Friday.
Co-host Chris Cuomo interviewed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and ...
This is Jeff Zucker's CNN? Monday night's Piers Morgan Live featured Morgan defending the nanny state and calling for federal gun control. New CNN host Morgan Spurlock, appearing as a guest, ...
CNN loves the Clintons. After running a Hillary puff piece on Thursday, CNN fawned over Chelsea on Friday morning's Starting Point. Michaela Pereira, co-host of CNN's new morning show New Day, ...