Media Research Center

CNN Donates 42 Minutes to Puff Obama Interview: Hypes New Dog, But Not IRS Scandal

CNN's Chris Cuomo scored an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on Friday and donated a whopping 42 minutes of his three hour New Day program to playing (and replaying) the discussion with the ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cuomo Boosts Immigration Reformers, Demeans Opponents

On Wednesday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo boosted immigration reform as a policy of "let's bring in our human potential" while marginalizing opponents as simply saying "let's find a way to get ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Says Public 'Pretty Evenly Split' on ObamaCare; Polls Show Otherwise

CNN's Carol Costello said public opinion of ObamaCare is "pretty evenly split" despite recent polls showing a double-digit gap between support and opposition of the law, with more people ...
Media Research Center

CNN Continues to Ignore Warnings of Potential ObamaCare 'Privacy Disaster'

CNN has ignored two warnings that ObamaCare's privacy protection may be at risk when the state exchanges open October 1, which could leave participants open to the threat of identity theft. An ...
Media Research Center

Film Director on CNN: America 'More Racist' During Obama's Presidency; People 'Showing Their True Colors'

Lee Daniels, director and producer of the new film "The Butler," lashed out on Monday's Piers Morgan Live at Americans who are "angry that [Obama] is president" and who are "showing their true ...
Media Research Center

NPR's Cokie Roberts: GOP's Debate Ban of CNN, NBC 'A Little Bit Childish'

On Monday's Morning Edition on NPR, Cokie Roberts did little to hide her feelings about the Republican National Committee's recent decision to exclude NBC and CNN from hosting future debates ...
Media Research Center

NBC Barely Mentions RNC's Debate Boycott; CNN Drops the Story Over the Weekend

After the Republican National Committee voted to refuse CNN and NBC from hosting 2016 GOP primary debates, NBC took two days to even mention the news before again ignoring it. In fact, CBS ...
Media Research Center

Rejecting Liberal Moderators = “Suppressing a Free Media”

MSNBC froths over RNC Chairman Reince Preibus' suggestion that debates among Republican presidential candidates shouldn't be moderated by news organizations with an obvious pro-Democratic bias, ...
Media Research Center

NewsBusters Catches Piers Morgan's Falsity, Gets Him to Apologize

The MRC's blog, NewsBusters, reported that during a debate on guns, CNN's Piers Morgan falsely claimed that according to FBI statistics, Virginia had the highest murder rate in the country in ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchors Tire of 'Silly,' 'Stupid' Rodeo Clown Controversy

On Thursday afternoon CNN's Athena Jones called the Missouri rodeo clown controversy a "firestorm," but CNN's tone changed within a matter of hours. On Thursday night's Piers Morgan Live, ...
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