Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Asks If Dems Will 'Unleash' Cory Booker on 'Renegade' Ted Cruz

In an interview with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on his Thursday night show, CNN's Piers Morgan sounded just like a Democratic strategist. Morgan told the Democrat that "you sound eminently ...
Media Research Center

Robert Redford on CNN: Some Republicans Wanted to 'Destroy' Obama

CNN gave liberal actor Robert Redford a podium to bash Republicans with on Wednesday's New Day. Redford accused some Republicans of wanting to "destroy" President Obama. "I think that no matter ...
Media Research Center

CNN Glosses Over ObamaCare Failings Amidst Debt Ceiling Coverage

Lost in the midst of CNN's debt ceiling coverage was its own list of ObamaCare's shortcomings. Investigative correspondent Drew Griffin authored a report on "ObamaCare woes" that aired only ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Stumbles Over Second Amendment; Hails 'Most Courageous' Bloomberg

Piers Morgan still can't get basic details about the gun rights debate right, even after his protracted involvement in the controversy, as he revealed on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Morgan ...
Media Research Center

Obama's Media Minions Assign Shutdown Blame to "Dangerous," "Demagogic," "Planet of the Apes" Conservatives

Obama's supporters in the liberal media invariably blamed the government shutdown on Republicans, and heaped scorn on the "Planet of the Apes" conservatives, the "snake-handlers, Bible-bangers, ...
Media Research Center

The Worst Bias of Departing CNN Reporter Jessica Yellin

Jessica Yellin is leaving CNN after six years at the network. Yellin was CNN's White House correspondent for two years before moving to chief domestic affairs correspondent. During the 2012 ...
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer: Obama Should 'Accept' GOP Proposal and Delay ObamaCare One Year

Highlighting "major problems" with the website of ObamaCare's federal exchange, CNN's Wolf Blitzer said the administration should have accepted the Republican proposal and delayed ...
Media Research Center

Networks Look the Other Way on Fast and Furious Whistleblower

CNN aired an exclusive interview with a Fast and Furious whistleblower on Monday morning, but NBC, CBS, and ABC all ignored the story that day and failed to interview the whistleblower, ATF ...
Media Research Center

CNN Interviews 'Fast and Furious' Whistleblower; Will Networks Follow Suit?

CNN scored an exclusive interview with a "Fast and Furious" whistleblower on Tuesday morning, and New Day co-host Chris Cuomo was intent on letting his guest tell his story that the Obama ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Toobin: Scalia 'A 1950s Social Conservative' While Ginsburg 'Very Much In Tune With the Modern World'

CNN's legal analyst Jeff Toobin thinks Justice Antonin Scalia is stuck in the 1950s on social issues but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is up to date with today's citizens. The entire Court is a ...
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