CNN's O'Brien Refuted by Her Own Network's Reports

Attempting to dismsiss negative reports about Obama's White House, CNN's Soledad O'Brien completely mangled and fumbled key facts on Monday's Starting Point.

David Frum Condemns Gingrich; On a 'Suicide Destructive Mission of Revenge'

On the day before the New Hampshire primary, CNN had some choice words for one candidate in particular ' Newt Gingrich. CNN contributor and faux-conservative David Frum slammed Gingrich's attacks ...

Anderson Cooper Bashes Santorum by Recycling Supposedly Racial Remark

On the campaign trail, Republican candidate Rick Santorum blurted out a word that sounded like "black" and was widely-criticized for making a generalization that black citizens rely on welfare. ...

John King Digs Up 2003 Quote to Press Santorum, Then Proceeds to Misquote Him

In a Wednesday interview with up-and-coming GOP candidate Rick Santorum, CNN's John King dug up a "controversial" 2003 interview Santorum had with the AP and then proceeded to misquote him on the ...

Anderson Cooper 360 Blasts Santorum With Liberal Talking Points

Determined to vet up-and-coming GOP candidate Rick Santorum, CNN's Gary Tuchmann chose Wednesday to pull a number of liberal attacks on the candidate's social beliefs and call it a report. ...

CNN's O'Brien to Romney: Won't Your Immigration Stance Drive Latinos to Obama?

CNN's Soledad O'Brien tried to make race an issue on Tuesday where there was no conflict to begin with, and she continued thumping Republicans over immigration on Wednesday. O'Brien asked ...

CNN Smacks GOP for 'Ignoring' Majority-Hispanic Iowa Town; But Town Voted Obama 2 to 1 In '08

In a provocative segment on Tuesday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien hit Republican candidates for not campaigning in Iowa's first majority Hispanic town. O'Brien failed to report that the ...

CNN's O'Brien Grills Bachmann But Hands Soft Interview to 'Occupy' Protesters

CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien has had a history of liberal bias ' to a scale approaching activism ' and she showed where her newest CNN show might be headed on Tuesday with a completely liberal ...

CNN Honors Same-Sex Couple, Suggests Obama Could Benefit From Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

In lieu of President Obama's Hawaiian vacation, CNN highlighted the plight of a Hawaiian same-sex couple that will legally celebrate a civil union come January 1st, but desires federal marriage ...

CNN Asks McCain Why He's Blaming President So Much for Payroll Tax Standoff

When Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blamed not only President Obama but also members of his own party for the payroll tax standoff, CNN's Ali Velshi interjected that perhaps the senator was being too ...
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