Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Pulls Quote from Liberal Political Activist to Grill Santorum

Pressing Rick Santorum on his opposition to women serving in combat, CNN's Wolf Blitzer quoted a liberal veteran who harshly criticized Santorum's policy. Blitzer did not identify the veteran ...
Media Research Center

CNN Reporters Call CPAC a ‘Conservative Petri Dish’

Shortly before noon Thursday, live from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), CNN political reporter Peter Hamby described the gathering as a “conservative petri dish” to ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks anti-Prop 8 Plaintiffs If They're 'Considered Heroes', When They're Getting Married

CNN's Randi Kaye gave a soft interview to the plaintiffs in the case to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8. Kaye asked them questions like if there were "wedding plans ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Parrots White House Talking Points on HHS Contraception Mandate

Even when told that paying for birth control would violate the consciences of certain religious organizations, CNN's Soledad O'Brien wondered why the groups still shouldn't have to cover ...

CNN Demeans Republicans as Drag Queens

Dismissing Missouri's GOP Primary as nothing more than a "beauty contest," CNN's John Avlon used a rather disturbing image to make his point ' faces of Republican candidates superimposed onto the ...

CNN Quickly Reported Liberal Backlash Against Komen, But Sat on Religious Outrage Over Obama's HHS Mandate

CNN's liberal bias on social issues was blatantly manifested in its coverage of two different stories over the past few weeks - Catholics vs. the Obama administration, and the liberal outrage over ...

CNN Host Asks How Any Nevada Voter Can 'Connect' With Romney - Though Poll Shows Him Ahead by 20 Points

While Mitt Romney is polling strong in Nevada ' as her own network had reported ' CNN's Ashleigh Banfield still questioned how anyone in the state could "connect" with him over his laissez-faire ...

CNN Hypes Planned Parenthood's Claims of 'Bullying by the Right'

Normally when a charitable foundation cuts funding to a non-profit, the story will not be widely circulated in the media. But CNN made sure to fan the flames of controversy when Planned Parenthood ...
Media Research Center

CNN Sympathizes with Another DREAM Act Supporter

Once again, CNN sympathized with an illegal immigrant supporting the largely Democratic-sponsored DREAM Act. On Tuesday, anchor Brooke Baldwin gave a soft interview to "typical college kid" Mayra ...

Soledad O'Brien Falsely Labels Bush as 'Food Stamp President'

On Tuesday, for the second time in two weeks, CNN's Soledad O'Brien insisted that President Bush, not President Obama, is the "food stamp president," even though data show her argument is ridiculous.
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