Media Research Center

Fareed Zakaria to Grover Norquist: 'Aren't You to Blame' for Rising Debt?

Apparently, Grover Norquist and the Republican Party are to blame for the rising debt, according to CNN's Fareed Zakaria. In his Sunday interview with Norquist, Zakaria argued that the GOP ...
Media Research Center

CNN Legal Analyst Whacks Conservative Case Against ObamaCare Mandate as 'Really Weak'

One week before the Supreme Court hears arguments on Obamacare, CNN's legal analyst has already come down against the conservative side as "really weak." Jeffrey Toobin gave the legal ...
Media Research Center

Republicans Are "Cowards" for Not Trashing Limbaugh; Foul MSNBC Hosts Want Limbaugh Purged

Even though left-wing hosts have said far worse, the liberal media pounce on Rush Limbaugh's unfortunate comment, with network reporters suggesting Republicans are "cowards" for not denouncing ...
Media Research Center

Marc Lamont Hill on CNN: GOP Uses English as a 'Language of Imperialism and Global Dominance'

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney have a "disposition of anti-immigrant" and speak English "as the language of imperialism and global dominance," sounded CNN guest and liberal Columbia University ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hypes Santorum's 'War on Pornography,' Questions Why He's Making It an Issue

Even though enforcing federal obscenity laws is at the bottom of Rick Santorum's "Issues" page on his website, CNN blared headlines about his "war on pornography" and questioned why he was even ...
Media Research Center

Smug Liberal Journalists Appear on CNN to Trash 'Taliban' Christians, 'Bully' Limbaugh

Former Today co-host Meredith Vieira appeared with her husband, journalist Richard M. Cohen, on Wednesday's Piers Morgan. Cohen railed against Christian conservatives as the "American equivalent ...
Media Research Center

CNN Questions Santorum's Appeal to Women Voters Given His 'Ultra-Conservative' Positions

CNN's Zoraida Sambolin questioned Rick Santorum's appeal with women voters nationwide as she targeted his "ultra-conservative" positions that "some women don't relate to," on Wednesday's Early ...
Media Research Center

CNN Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Sandra Fluke

Hosting birth control activist Sandra Fluke, CNN's Soledad O'Brien teed her up to bash her critics and twice encouraged viewers to read Fluke's op-ed. O'Brien told her critics on Monday to ...
Media Research Center

CNN Again Features Obama Campaign Propaganda, Hypes Clinton's Support of President

CNN's Wolf Blitzer once again aired Obama campaign propaganda by playing a clip of Bill Clinton praising the President, from an Obama campaign film to be released soon. Blitzer asked if ...
Media Research Center

CNN Tries to Dismiss Breitbart Story, Soledad O'Brien Tells Critics to 'Stop Tweeting' Her

Last week, CNN's Soledad O'Brien got into a heated debate with's Joel Pollak over his story tying then-law student Barack Obama to radical professor Derrick Bell. O'Brien ...
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