Media Research Center

Bozell Letter to Piers Morgan of CNN: Coverage of Limbaugh Apology is a Double Standard

I am disturbed by your ongoing double standard when it comes to coverage of political rhetoric. On your show, you recently called Rush Limbaugh out for his insulting comment about a Georgetown ...
Media Research Center

CNN Guest Says It's Devilish to Use the Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

A CEO of a company dealing with Latinos went on CNN Friday morning and lambasted what he saw as the devilish way of dealing with illegal immigrants – calling them "illegal." He stated that "I ...
Media Research Center Editor Slams CNN for Mistreatment of Andrew Breitbart's editor-in-chief went right after CNN for its treatment of the late Andrew Breitbart, when asked about the "controversial" journalist's "tactics" in the Shirley Sherrod ...
Media Research Center

Jan Brewer Smacks Down Piers Morgan: 'You Don't Know What I Was Saying' to Obama on the Tarmac

CNN's Piers Morgan told Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) that she was "threatening all sorts of things" against President Obama when they had their controversial meeting on the airport tarmac in January. ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Implies That Santorum Lost Catholic Voters by Attacking JFK

Following Rick Santorum's primary loss in Michigan, CNN's Soledad O'Brien asked the candidate's press secretary if he had lost Catholic voters in the state because he criticized the Catholic ...
Media Research Center

Bill Maher Slams America, Where 'Guns Are a Religion'

In light of Monday's deadly school shooting in Ohio, both CNN host Piers Morgan and liberal comedian Bill Maher embarked on a lengthy liberal screed against the current gun laws in America. ...
Media Research Center

CNN Host Blisters GOP Field With Dem Talking Points

CNN's Don Lemon launched a heavy defense of President Obama's apology for the Koran burnings in Afghanistan, in lieu of criticism Obama has received from GOP presidential candidates. In his ...
Media Research Center

CNN Kisses Up to Jimmy Carter and His 'Lessons of Faith'

Former President Jimmy Carter has gotten some love from CNN recently, and he received another warm interview Sunday morning from correspondent Martin Savidge. CNN touted Carter's "lessons of ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Gergen: GOP Candidates Sound Like 'Four White Guys' Telling Women 'We're Going to Control Your Lives'

CNN analyst David Gergen had some harsh words for the Republican presidential field in his post-debate analysis Wednesday night. He stated that their debate over contraception would leave women ...
Media Research Center

CNN Grills Santorum's Press Secretary, Gives Free Pass to Obama Aide

While she grilled Rick Santorum's press secretary over his debate performance, CNN host Soledad O'Brien asked an Obama aide nothing even approaching a critical question on Thursday's Starting ...
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