Ed Henry's heated exchange Tuesday with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney as Fox News' newly-minted senior White House correspondent reminded NewsBusters of times when Henry, as a CNN ...
President Obama has offered but attacks and finger-pointing, yet the public seems to fault Republicans more than Democrats on the debt impasse. Why? It's because of the ceaseless, shameless, and ...
Acting as if he were trying out for a MSNBC gig, Piers Morgan used his half hour of CNN's prime time, following President Barack Obama's 9 PM EDT speech on the debt ceiling and House Speaker John ...
A possible debt ceiling crisis? Mass murder in Norway? These are important stories, but Sunday on the 6:00 pm EDT hour of CNN Newsroom they took a backseat to the first day of legalized same-sex ...
NBC and CBS polls released earlier this week determined that a significant portion of the American public remain opposed to any increase in the nation's debt limit, but neither network has ...
Rep. Tom Graves (R-Ga.) twice told CNN's John King Thursday night the results of CNN's own poll showing Americans favor a Cut, Cap, and Balance plan. King would not affirm his claims and instead ...
CNN's John King on Thursday recycled the now debunked claim that, in a similar situation to the current debt ceiling debate, Ronald Reagan lobbied for a tax increase compromise to avoid an ...
Reporting results from its newly-released poll Thursday, CNN emphasized answers showing the majority of respondents favoring compromise on the debt ceiling debate, as well as raising the debt ...
Although President Obama and the Democrats have stridently insisted that increased tax revenues be part of a debt ceiling deal, CNN is content to choose sides and paint only the conservative ...