CNN Jumps on Mitt Romney's 'I'm Also Unemployed' Joke, But Barely Touched Obama's Joke About Lack of 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs

Both President Obama and leading Republican candidate Mitt Romney got into hot water for supposedly making insensitive comments about the economy this week. But CNN's response offers a textbook ...

CNN Projects Bachmann as GOP 'Star'...Who 'Doesn't Stand a Chance'

Tuesday's CNN Newsroom acknowledged Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as a "rising star" in the GOP, but moved quickly to write her off as an extremist. "As far as the general election ...

CNN Anchor Questions If Gov't Should Really Be Limited Within Constitutional Powers

CNN's Ali Velshi apparently believes the idea of a federal government limited within Constitutional powers is a little far-fetched.

Ex-CNN Reporter Slams Tim Pawlenty's Plan as Creating 'Oligarchy' of the 'Very Wealthy'

Ex-CNN Washington correspondent Bob Franken, who in 2009 denounced citizens protesting ObamaCare a "crazed group of people" engaged in "organized intimidation" and who now writes a column for ...

Roland Martin Doesn't Call Out DNC Chair for Linking GOP-Backed Voting Requirements with Jim Crow Laws

CNN analyst Roland Martin simply allowed DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to say what she wanted about Republicans on his Sunday show Washington Watch, on TVOne.

Gullible Wolf Blitzer: I 'Sort of Believed' Weiner's Lie

CNN's Wolf Blitzer admitted Monday that he believed Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) when the congressman told him in an interview that he did not send a lewd photo of himself over Twitter.

CNN Host Slams the Tea Party: "Not the Brightest," Akin to Hitler's Mobs?

When conservative author Ann Coulter appeared on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight on Tuesday to promote her new book, Demonic, host Piers Morgan used Coulter's thesis as a launching pad to make several ...

Nets' Sunday Morning Shows, PBS Avoid Weiner Issue

The network elites completely avoided discussing Weinergate on the chat/interview shows this weekend. On Sunday, NBC's Meet the Press was off due to the French Open. ABC's This Week, CBS's Face ...

CNN Spreads Cell Phone Alarmism, Calls WHO Review 'Rather Conclusive'

While other outlets urged caution about report, CNN anchor prepares to change her behavior.
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