2/20/2007 1:41 PM ET
Herbert Matthews fawning interview of Fidel Castro in 1957 made the future Communist dictator an international figure.
12/8/2006 5:27 PM ET
According to reporter, medical students say American health care system too focused on 'bottom line,' U.S. trade 'blockade' frustrating.
12/8/2006 11:49 AM ET
Marc Lacey's provides the Cuban regime some positive PR. Plus: Does the U.S. "tar" Castro "as a dictator who suppresses his people"?
12/5/2006 6:35 AM ET
As the dictator misses his 80th birthday party.
10/4/2006 12:35 PM ET
Today's laugh: "While The Herald is a traditional American newspaper that prizes neutrality...."
8/8/2006 10:37 AM ET
Thousands of dissidents would beg to differ with Anthony DePalma's description.
8/4/2006 1:20 PM ET
NYT's Juan Forero presents Cuban economic survival as struggle against Washington, not a struggle with a repressive, bankrupt economic model.
8/2/2006 1:28 PM ET
NBC's Andrea Mitchell calls fill-in dictator open to free enterprise, ignores rollback in reforms, reliance on Venezuelan oil
8/2/2006 1:16 PM ET
The Times reminds us that the mainstream media's love affair with Communist dictator Fidel Castro started early
5/9/2002 3:56 PM ET
CNN's Coverage of Fidel Castro's Cuba, 1997-2002