
Cuba Honors Pro-Castro NYT Reporter

Herbert Matthews fawning interview of Fidel Castro in 1957 made the future Communist dictator an international figure.

NY Times Helps American Students in Cuba Criticize America

According to reporter, medical students say American health care system too focused on 'bottom line,' U.S. trade 'blockade' frustrating.

How Nice: "Hippocrates Meets Fidel"

Marc Lacey's provides the Cuban regime some positive PR. Plus: Does the U.S. "tar" Castro "as a dictator who suppresses his people"?

Castro's Communism "A Work in Progress"

As the dictator misses his 80th birthday party.

American Newspapers "Prize Neutrality"...Since When?

Today's laugh: "While The Herald is a traditional American newspaper that prizes neutrality...."

Castro "the Prisoner"?

Thousands of dissidents would beg to differ with Anthony DePalma's description.

Times Sees a Perky Cuban Economy Under Raul

NYT's Juan Forero presents Cuban economic survival as struggle against Washington, not a struggle with a repressive, bankrupt economic model.

Raul Castro: A Hard-Line Commie with a Soft Spot for Free Enterprise?

NBC's Andrea Mitchell calls fill-in dictator open to free enterprise, ignores rollback in reforms, reliance on Venezuelan oil

For the Times and Castro, Love at First Sight

The Times reminds us that the mainstream media's love affair with Communist dictator Fidel Castro started early

Megaphone for a Dictator

CNN's Coverage of Fidel Castro's Cuba, 1997-2002
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